南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (03): 107-110.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2005.03.027

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 贵州省台江县林业局, 贵州 台江 556300
  • 出版日期:2005-06-18 发布日期:2005-06-18

Species Diversity and Arbor Population Distribution Pattern of Fagus longipetiolata Community in Leigong Mountain

YANG Li-dan, WANG An-wen, LI Chao-zhi   

  1. Forestry Bureau of Taijiang County Guizhou Provinee, Taijiang 556300, China
  • Online:2005-06-18 Published:2005-06-18

摘要: <正>自然植被的地理空间分布是十分重要的环境因子,其应用需求范围很广,包括全球气候变化,自然灾害监测,生态系统活力监测以及火灾管理等。目益增长的更高层次的应用需要一种有一定比例尺的大范围的且能提供详细信息的植被数据集。笔者介绍一种能生成分辨率为30m的自然植被类型覆盖图以及可用于可燃物和火险评估项目的结构变量的遥感方法。此方法的成功有赖于传感器的改进和数据的质量、对区域及其植被生态的全面了解、大量遥感和地面数据的成功整合以及灵活的成图算法。初步成果来自犹他州中部地区,包括28个植被类型。森林、灌木和草本层的郁闭度(亚像元密度)的分类总精度为60%(按生命表平均),三者郁闭度的相关系数分别为0.89,0.60和0.55,平均冠层高的相关系数分别为0.73,0.50和0.20。对改进过的第一轮技术成果进行了讨论,其中包括成图模型的细化、有关环境梯度的应用以及与实际植被类型相关的潜在植被问题等。

Abstract: Five indices were applied to analyze the species diversity of Fagus longipetiolata community in Leigong Mountain,and based on the investigation data of 2 quadrats,tree size class method was applied to analyze the structures of the dominant populations,.and t-test of v/rn ratio, mean crowing index, negative binomial parameter, patchiness index and Morisita index were applied to analyze the spatial distribution patterns of two dominant populations. The result expresses that the species diversity of tree layer and fruticose stratum is relatively lower,while the herb layer relatively higher. However,the result of integrating the tree layer and fruticose stratum and herb layers indicates that the total species diversity(indicated by species richness) of F. longipetiolata community is still higher. In the spatial distribution pattern,that F. longipetiolata population,the individual percentage of Y trees accounted for 52.0% in Q1 and 49.1% in Qz and 49.4% in Q3,The I class has none,The Ⅱ less,for the decline population. However,the population in Cyclobalanopsis glauca The 1V has more,the I, V are more than F. longipetiolata population on the individual quantity. The spatial distribution patterns of the two dominant populations are distributed in clumps, but the diversity exists in clumping degrees. With the increase of the size classes, the population of F. longipetiolata transits from random distribution to clumping distribution, while the population of C. glauca from clumping distribution to random distribution.
