南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (03): 115-118.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2005.03.029

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  1. 江苏农林职业技术学院, 江苏 句容 212400
  • 出版日期:2005-06-18 发布日期:2005-06-18

Two New Species of Ceratocystis on Pinus massoniana Staining Wood

ZHAO Gui-hua   

  1. Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestr.y, Jurong 212400, China
  • Online:2005-06-18 Published:2005-06-18

摘要: <正>利用湿地松种子进行丛生芽的诱导及试管苗生根研究。结果发现:改良GD培养基适合湿地松离体胚的生长;以湿地松带子叶顶芽为外植体,在附加有3mg/L6-BA和0.05mg/L的NAA改良GD培养基上可诱导湿地松丛生芽的形成,诱导率最高为73.3%;湿地松试管苗不定根诱导较为适宜的组合是1/2MS+0.05mg/LNAA,诱导率可达60%,而无激素的1/2改良GD有利于根的伸长。

Abstract: The paper reports two new species of the genus Ophiostoma H. & P. Sydow collected by the author in recent years. Chinese descriptions, latin diagnoses and figures for each species are given. They are growing on the wood of Pinus rnassoniana. Wood staining of P. massoniana is associated with the Ceratocystis pinicola G. H. Zhao sp. nov.. Perithecia are superficial and with the bases immersed in the agar plate. The black base is globose and 126. 9~183. 3 μm in diameter. The superficies of the ornamented with net-like brown hyphae, 5~6 μm in diameter. The neck of the perithecia is black, straight or slightly curved. There are various ornaments on the neck. Its dimensions are 84.4~169.2μm in length, 26.9~40.4μm in diameter at the base, 16.8~33.7 μm at the tip. Without ostiolars hyphae, the asci are difficult to find. Ascospore are unicellular, hyaline, oblong, without gelatinous sheath and its dimensions are (3.4~3.9)μm×(1.9~2.6) μm. Wood staining of P. massoniana is relation to the C. lignicola G. H Zhao sp. nov.. The perithecia are superficial or immersed in PDA medium. The black base is globose and 87~169.2μm in diameter. The surface of the perithecia is smooth. The neck of the perithecia is straight or slightly curved, crude, 287~352 μm in length, 23.6~54. 6 μm in diameter at the base, 20~20.6μm at the tip. Ostiolar hyphae absent. The asci are difficult to find. Ascospores are unicellular, hyaline, oblong, without gelatinous sheath, and its dimensions are (3.7~4.4)μm×(2.4~3.0) μm.
