南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2006, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (05): 119-122.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2006.05.029

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  1. 福建省森林病虫害防治检疫总站, 福建 福州 350003
  • 出版日期:2016-10-18 发布日期:2016-10-18

Techniques of Chemical Control of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi

HUANG Zhen-yu   

  1. The General Station of Forest Pest and Disease Management of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003, China
  • Online:2016-10-18 Published:2016-10-18

摘要: <正>氨同化作用是植物将无机氮转化成有机氮的一个重要过程。笔者对木本植物的氨同化进程、氨同化作用的关键酶、氨同化作用的分子机理等方面进行了综述,着重论述了几种木本植物氨同化关键酶的定位、生化特性、基因表达与调控等方面的研究进展,并就氨同化作用分子生物学机理研究对提高木本植物的氮素利用效率、促进植物生长等方面的前景进行了展望。

Abstract: The control effects of mixed and single insecticides against Hemiberlesia pitysophi la in woods were tested. The best proportion of mixture with tree-trunk injection and lacquer hy Orthogonal design was found. At the same time, the change of population by spray, trunk injection, trunk lacquer was investigated respectively. The results showed that the best mixing proportions with trunk injection and lacquer were the same as 40% methidathion EC (1 : 5)+40% chlorpyriphos EC (1 : 5)+40% omethoate EC(1 : 2.5). The control effects wit h tree-trunk injection and lacquer were 98%,81% respectively, which both had remarkable synergisms. The observation of the population growth showed that the rates of population reducing of tree-trunk injection and lacquer were more steady than that of leaf-spray.
