南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (01): 101-105.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2007.01.024

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  1. 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037
  • 出版日期:2007-02-18 发布日期:2007-02-18

A Preliminary Study on Embryo Culture and Rapid Propagation in vitro of Cyclocarya paliurus

SHANG Xu-lan, XU Xi-zeng, FANG Sheng-zuo*   

  1. College of Forest Resources and Environment Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2007-02-18 Published:2007-02-18

摘要: <正>在福建闽院县南屿林场的14~23年生友病的国外松种子园和试验林、用材林中。采用施肥防治、农药防治、综合防治等措施进行松帖梢病控制试验。结果表明:根施或叶面喷洒硼砂、根施或喷洒多菌灵、喷百菌清油烟剂、燃放多菌灵等烟刺对松枯梢病有一定的防治效果:叶面喷施硼砂防效达67.5%。喷百菌清油烟剂的防效为69.7%。采用杀菌烟剂防效达66.1%:5种综合防治措施对松枯梢病有较好的控制作用,防治效果达69.5%~81.5%。尤其是采用清理病枯梢+根施硼肥+艉施多菌灵的措施。坊治效果达81.5%。

Abstract: The present research was conducted to determine the effects of basal medium, GA3 and sugar on the embryo germination and seedling development of Cyclocarya paliurus by orthogonal design and to induce the obtained shoots to proliferate. The results showed that the basal medium played a determinative role in the embryo germination and seedling development. The best media to promote embryo germination was WPM+GA3 (10mg/L)+sucrose (30g/L), just the E6 treatment according to the orthogonal design, on which the percentage of germination was up to 100%, and the optimal media to develop into seedlings was WPM+GA3 (5mg/L)+maltose (30g/L). Transplanted into the mixture of perlite, peat and vermiculite (1:1:1), the plantlets were all survived after one month. The optimal induction media for proliferation was WPM+6-BA(0.5mg/L), and the mean coefficient of proliferation was 3.45.
