南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (02): 134-.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.02.032

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  1. 1.广西大学林学院,广西南宁530005;2.广西高峰林场,广西南宁530001
  • 出版日期:2009-04-18 发布日期:2009-04-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2008-05-16修回日期:2008-09-10基金项目:广西“十五”林业科学研究项目(“十五”林科字[2002]第59号)作者简介:王凌晖(1965—),副教授,博士,研究方向为森林培育教学和科研工作。Email: wanglinghui97@163.com引文格式:王凌晖,吴国欣,施福军,等. 不同造林密度对杂交相思生长的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2009,33(2):134-136.

Effects of different afforestation density on growth of Acacia mangium×A.auriculaef Ormis

WANG Linghui1, WU Guoxin1, SHI Fujun2, QIN Wuming1,YU Haoguang2   

  1. 1.Forestry College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China; 2.Guangxi Gaofeng Forestry Centre, Nanning 530001, China
  • Online:2009-04-18 Published:2009-04-18

摘要: 为了找出杂交相思人工林合理的种植密度,以达到较佳经济效益,笔者选用5种不同密度,采用单因素、随机区组设计进行杂交相思密度试验。对经过5年的观测资料进行分析表明:杂交相思不同造林密度对胸径、材积的生长有一定的影响,随着密度增大,胸径、单株材积表现出与密度间的负相关,每公顷833株林分的平均胸径为107 cm,每公顷1 666株林分的胸径为9.6 cm;每公顷833株和1 000株林分的5年生林龄时平均单株材积较高,分别为0057 566和0.051 79 m3;5年生每公顷1 666株的林分材积为63.922 1 m3,分别比其他4种密度林分的高190%、52.0%、58.3%和103.3%。造林密度对树高生长无显著影响。

Abstract: In order to find out reasonable afforestation density of Acacia mangium×A.auriculaef Ormis, which would bring the best economic benefits, we selected 5 kinds of different densities, used the single factor and the randomized block arrangement experimental design to carry on Acacia mangium×A.auriculaef Ormis density experiment. After 5 years’ observation, the results showed that different densities had a certain effects on diameter at breast height(DBH) and single tree volume of Acacia mangium×A.auriculaef Ormis. With the increase of afforestation density, DBH and single tree volume showed negatively correlation. The DBH was 10.7 cm at the density of 833 trees/hm2, and the DBH was 9.6 cm at the density of 1 666 trees/hm2. When the planting densities were 833 trees/hm2 and 1 000 trees/hm2, the tree volumes were 0.057 566 m3, 0.051 79 m3. The 5 years’ tree volume was 63.922 1 m3/hm2 at the density of 1 666 trees/hm2, separately higher than the other four afforestation density 19.0%, 52.0%, 58.3% and 103.3%. The planting density had no significant effect on tree height.
