南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (04): 72-76.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.04.015

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  1. 南京林业大学风景园林学院,江苏南京210037
  • 出版日期:2009-08-18 发布日期:2009-08-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2008-09-23修回日期:2009-02-27基金项目:国家“十一五”科技支撑计划(2008BAJ10B02)作者简介:申世广(1976—),讲师,博士生。*王浩(通讯作者),教授,研究方向为风景园林规划设计。Email: wh9816@126.com。引文格式:申世广,王浩,荚德平,等. 基于GIS的常州市绿地适宜性评价方法研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2009,33(4):72-76.

Land suitability evaluation methods for urban green space system planning based on GIS in Changzhou city

SHEN Shiguang, WANG Hao*, JIA Deping, GU Kang   

  1. College of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2009-08-18 Published:2009-08-18

摘要: 城市绿地适宜性评价是科学规划城市绿地系统的前提。以常州市绿地系统规划为对象,在野外调查和资料收集的基础上,根据主导性、稳定性、独立性和代表性原则选择城市绿地适宜性评价的影响因子,采用特尔菲法给定影响因子的权重,建立GIS系统管理下的各图层(影响因子)空间属性信息数据库,利用ArcGIS9.2空间分析功能,对常州市城市绿地规划建设用地进行定性定量评价,揭示常州市绿地布局的适宜性与限制性,以此确定常州绿地系统的布局空间和发展方向。结果表明,利用GIS对城市绿地适宜性进行评价,合理有效,实用性强,可丰富城市绿地系统规划的理论和方法。

Abstract: Land suitability evaluation has been widely used in the filed of agriculture, forest, urban expansion land and so on. This paper is a case study of the green space suitability evaluation theory and methods in Changzhou. Some evaluation factors are selected under the principle of dominance, stability, independence and typical, the weights of factors used for evaluation are decided by the method of Delphi, and the management of the various layers (factors) space attribute information database is created in GIS. By multi factorsoverlay analysis in ArcGIS9.2, found the suitability and constrain distribution of green space in Changzhou city, which can be determined Changzhou green space system planning and development direction in future. Compared with the traditional planning methods, the results demonstrate that land suitability evaluation based on Geography Information System (GIS) is effective and feasible.
