南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (02): 51-54.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2010.02.011

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 福建华安西陂国有林场,福建华安363800
  • 出版日期:2010-05-14 发布日期:2010-05-14
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2009-04-07修回日期:2009-08-27基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目 (1999-404)作者简介:林思京(1964—),高级工程师。Email: linsijing0596@yahoo.com.cn。引文格式 :林思京. 抗病湿地松、火炬松家系评价及优良家系选择[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2010,34 (2):51-54.

Family evaluation and superior family selection for disease resistant Pinus elliottii and P.taeda

LIN Sijing   

  1. Fujian Province Xipi National Forest Farm of Hua’an, Hua’an 363800, China
  • Online:2010-05-14 Published:2010-05-14

摘要: 为了选择适合福建省南部地区生产推广的国外松优良家系,评价了福建华安西陂林场自美国引种的 抗病湿地松、火炬松基因库中各家系的生长性状。结果表明:引种的抗病湿地松、火炬松在福建省生长良 好,参试家系8年生时湿地松平均树高、胸径、冠幅分别为5.95 m、11.1 cm和3.30 m,火炬松平均树高、 胸径、冠幅分别为5.97 m、10.7 cm和3.66 m。抗病湿地松、火炬松的树高、胸径、冠幅生长性状在家系间 存在真正的遗传差异,这种差异受到中度或者中偏强度遗传控制。以树高和胸径遗传增益为主要指标,按 10 %入选率,选择出M39×8等5个湿地松优良家系,树高、胸径、冠幅平均值分别为8.69 m、13.9 cm、 4.48 m,分别比群体平均值高46.05 %、25.23 %和35.76 %,3性状平均遗传增益分别为16.63 %、11.90 % 和17.22 %;选择出(5-142)×(5-148)等5个优良火炬松家系,树高、胸径、冠幅平均值分别为7.69 m、 13.8 cm、4.95 m,分别比群体平均值高28.81 %、28.97 %和35.25 %,3个性状平均遗传增益分别为1717 %、17.02 %和20.17 %。依据此选择效果,这些国外松优良家系可在福建南部地区推广应用。

Abstract: With the aim of selecting suitable families for Fujian province, the growth traits of families of disease resistance Pinus elliottii and P.taeda, which were introduced from USA and planted in gene bank, were evaluated. The results showed that P.elliottii and P.taeda grew well in Fujian province, China. The average value of tree height was 5.95 m, that of DBH was 11.1 cm, and the crown was 3.30 m, when the P.elliottii was 8 years old. The same average values of P.taeda were 5.97 m, 10.7 cm and 3.66 m respectively. There were genetic variations among families on tree height, DBH and crown. These variations were controlled by genetic factors with moderate intensity. The five P.elliottii families such as M39×8 were selected, their average values of tree height, DBH and crown were 8.69 m, 13.9 cm and 4.48 m respectively, these values were better 46.05 %, 25.23 % and 35.76 % better than those of selection group. The genetic gain of tree height was 1663 %, that of DBH was 11.90 % and crown’s was 17.22 %. The five P.taeda families such as (5-142)×(5-148) were selected and the selection effects of P.taeda were similar to P.elliottii, but those were slightly better than P.elliottii. The selection effects of these two species were effective, and selected families could be widely used for artificial plantations in Fujian province.
