南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (02): 55-58.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2010.02.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.广西壮族自治区森林病虫害防治站,广西南宁530022;2.广西大学农学院,广西南宁530004
  • 出版日期:2010-05-14 发布日期:2010-05-14
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2009-04-07修回日期:2009-08-27基金项目:广西松象虫等林业有害生 物预防体系基础设施建设项目(林计批字[2005]149号)作者简介:方丽英(1955—),高级工程师。Email: fly280@163.com。引文格式:方丽英,陈尚文. 广西森林主要趋光害虫及趋光蛾类新分布记录[J]. 南京林 业大学学报:自然科学版,2010,34(2):55-58.

The mostly phototactic forest insect pest and the phototactic moths first recorded in Guangxi

FANG Liying1, CHEN Shangwen2   

  1. 1.Forest Pest Management Station of Guangxi Province, Nanning 530022, China; 2.College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
  • Online:2010-05-14 Published:2010-05-14

摘要: 于2007年采用佳多智能JDA型虫情测报灯诱捕到广西森林主要趋光害虫6目26科46种。经分析,其中 广西新分布记录的鳞翅目趋光蛾类有5科6种,即小用克尺蛾(Jankowskia fuscaria(Leech))、丝光带蛾 (Pseudojana incandesceus Walker)、灰纹带蛾(Ganisa cyanugrisea Mell)、闪蓝斑蠹蛾(Xyleutes mineus Cramer)、波纹蛾(Thyatira batis L.)、蝉网蛾(Glanycus foochowensis Chu et Wang);出现频 率高和成虫数量大的种类有油桐尺蛾(Buzura suppressaria Guenée)、马尾松毛虫(Dendrolimus punctatus Walker)、泡桐灰天蛾(Psilograrmma menephron(Cramer))、松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)、铜绿丽金龟(Anomala corpulenta Mostschulsky)、八角尺蛾(Dilophodes elegans sinica Prout) 。观测表明,JDA型虫情测报灯可准确监测常年发生的重大森林害虫,如马尾松毛虫、松茸毒蛾(Dasychira axutha Collenette)、松墨天牛、油桐尺蛾和八角尺蛾等。

Abstract: By means of Jiaduo brainpower (JDA) frequency trembler forecast lamps in 2007, 46 species of mostly phototactic forest insects in Guangxi were trapped, among of them including 6 species of 5 families of lepidoptera first recorded in Guangxi: Jankowskia fuscaria (Leech), Pseudojana incandesceus Walker, Ganisa cyanugrisea Mell, Xyleutes mineus Cramer, Thyatira batis L., Glanycus foochowensis Chu et Wang;The species which appeared in high frequency and in the large number of adults were Buzura suppressaria Guenée, Dendrolimus punctatus Walker, Psilograrmma menephron (Cramer), Monochamus alternatus Hope, Anomala corpulenta Mostschulsky, Dilophode elegans sinica Prout. Preliminary observation showed that the major forest pests such as D.punctatus Walker, Dasychira axutha Collenette, M.alternatus Hope, B.suppressaria Guenée and D.elegans sinica Prout can be truly monitored by JDA frequency trembler forecast lamps.
