南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (03): 57-61.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2010.03.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.天津理工大学环境科学与安全工程学院,天津300191;2.天津市泰达盐碱地绿化研究中心,天津300457; 3.天津港东疆建设开发有限公司,天津300456
  • 出版日期:2010-06-29 发布日期:2010-06-29
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2009-08-08修回日期:2010-02-24基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目(2006412);天津港东疆港区绿化工程技术研究项目(2008630)作者简介:孙佳杰(1984—),硕士生。*尹建道(通信作者),教授。Email: yjd0059@163.com。引文格式:孙佳杰,尹建道,解玉红,等. 天津滨海盐碱土壤微生物生态特性研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2010,34(3):57-61.

Microbial ecological characteristics of salinealkali soil in coastal area of Tianjin

SUN Jiajie1, YIN Jiandao1*, XIE Yuhong1, YANG Yongli2, SHU Xiaowu3, LIU Baodong1   

  1. 1.School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300191, China; 2.TEDA Salina Afforestation Research Center, Tianjin 300457, China; 3.Tianjin Port Eastern Harbour Area Construction & Development Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300456, China
  • Online:2010-06-29 Published:2010-06-29

摘要: 以天津滨海盐碱土为研究对象,测定分析了土壤pH、含盐量、有机质和微生物类群的数量特征,并初步分离鉴定了优势菌属。研究结果表明:天津滨海土壤盐碱程度呈斑块状分布,肥力水平较低;土壤微生物总量较少,变动在0.75×105~14.19×105 cfu/g之间,其中细菌占绝对优势。土壤盐害程度越高,微生物数量越少,其关系式为y=-3.759 8lnx+11.281。土壤细菌、放线菌和真菌的数量分布从大到小为轻度盐化土、中度盐化土、重度盐化土、盐土,充分反映了以盐害为主导因子的土壤环境条件的综合影响;经分离鉴定,细菌以乳杆菌属、芽孢杆菌属为主,放线菌以链霉菌属占优势,真菌以青霉属为主。耐盐细菌的发现对于进一步研究滨海盐碱土壤的微生物区系、开发盐碱地专用肥料均具有重要的理论和现实意义。

Abstract: There is a large area of saline alkali soil in our country’s coastal region, and saline alkali soil has unique physical and chemical properties and microbial flora. The saline alkali soil in Tianjin coastal area was taken as the object in this article, and the pH, the salinity, the organism content and the quantitative characteristics of microorganism of the soil were analyzed and the dominant species was also isolated and identified. The results showed that: The degree of soil salinity is distributed with speckle and lower fertility; The quantity of microbe in the soil changed in the range of 0.75×105—14.19×105 cfu/g, and bacteria were absolutely dominated; The higher salinity in soil, the less microorganism quantity, its relation equation was y=-3.759 8lnx+11.281. The amount of microbe were all in line with salt soil > high degree>middle degree>light degree, it has fully reflected the soil environmental condition synthesis influence as the leading factor of soil harm; With isolated and identified, the most of bacteria were Lactobacilli and Bacilli, and the most of actinomycetes were Streptomycete, and the most of fungi were Penicillium. The discovery of Halotolerant domesticated has the important theory and the practical significance to study the salinealkali soil in our country’s coastal region and to develop salinealkali soil specialpurpose fertilizer.
