南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (05): 120-124.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2010.05.026

• 森林碳汇研究专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学,江苏省林业生态工程重点实验室,江苏南京210037
  • 出版日期:2010-10-08 发布日期:2010-10-08
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-01-15修回日期:2010-06-21基金项目:中国绿色碳基金项目;国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项项目(200804006;200704005/wb02);南京林业大学高学历人才基金项目作者简介:王琳飞(1984—),硕士生。*阮宏华(通信作者),教授。Email: hruan1690@yahoo.com。引文格式:王琳飞,王国兵,沈玉娟,等. 国际碳汇市场的补偿标准体系及我国林业碳汇项目实践进展[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2010,34(5):120-124.

Carbon offset standard system for international carbon sequestration market and the development of forest carbon sequestration projects in China

WANG Linfei, WANG Guobing, SHEN Yujuan, RUAN Honghua*   

  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecological Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2010-10-08 Published:2010-10-08

摘要: 森林作为地球碳循环重要的汇和库,在应对全球气候变化中的重要作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。因此,林业碳汇计量和监测工作作为增强森林生态系统碳汇功能的基础性工作就显得尤为重要,国际碳汇市场补偿标准的研究也成为国内外生态学领域中研究的热点问题之一。笔者介绍了我国开展林业碳汇项目的国内外背景,并比较了目前国际碳汇市场不同补偿标准的特点,概述了我国林业碳汇计量与监测工作和碳汇造林项目的进展情况,分析了我国开展林业碳汇项目的现状及意义;提出应积极推进碳汇项目试点,积累碳汇项目运行与管理经验,加大林业碳汇科学研究与培养专业碳汇人才力度等,是当前我国林业应对气候变化的重要任务之一。

Abstract: Forest plays an important role in the global carbon cycling, and its role of forest in response to the global climate change has attracted the attention of the international society increasingly. Therefore, monitoring and measurement for forest carbon sequestration as the basic work to strengthen forest carbon sequestration ability of forest is exceptionally important, the research of carbon offset standard for international carbon trade market has become one of the hot issues in ecology both at home and abroad. The paper reviewed the background of developing forest carbon sequestration projects in China and compared the features among the main carbon offset standards for international carbon trade market, the paper generalized the development of forest carbon sequestration projects and monitoring and measurement for forest carbon sequestration in China. The paper also analyzed the present situation and significance of developing forest carbon sequestration projects in China. The author put forward some proposes that one of the most important missions to deal with climate change and to improve forest carbon sequestration in China: including promoting forest carbon sequestration pilot projects actively, accumulating management and operation experience, strengthening scientific research efforts and training technical specialists for carbon sequestration projects.
