南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (06): 11-16.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2011.06.003

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东省林业科学研究院,山东济南250014
  • 出版日期:2011-11-28 发布日期:2011-11-28
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-09-03修回日期:2011-05-09基金项目:山东省农业良种工程资助项目(鲁科农字{2001}500号)作者简介:姜岳忠(1963—),研究员,博士。Email: jyz3169@sina.com。

Breeding of new poplar varieties Lulin 1, Lulin 2 and Lulin 3 for plywood and pulpwood purpose

JIANG Yuezhong,QIN Guanghua,QIAO Yuling,WANG Yan,WANG Weidong, WANG Yuehai,XUN Shouhua,DONG Yufeng   

  1. Shandong Academy of Forestry,Jinan 250014, China
  • Online:2011-11-28 Published:2011-11-28

摘要: 通过杨树的天然杂交和人工控制杂交,经过多年多点苗期试验和无性系对比试验,综合评价了筛选出的鲁林1号、2号和3号3个适宜制浆造纸的杨树优良新品种,它们具有生长量大、造林成活率高、抗病虫、材质好等特点,适宜制浆造纸和制作胶合板用材。其中:鲁林1号杨为雌株,是从美洲黑杨228-379(Populus deltoides ‘228-379’)优树上采集天然杂交种子选育而成,在莒县和长清区试验点6年生平均单株材积分别超过对照I-107(P.× euramericana ‘Neva’)26.5 %和14.5 %。该品种树干圆满、侧枝细小、出材率高、木材制作胶合板性能优良,特别适合培育大径级胶合板用材,也可培育纸浆材。鲁林2号和3号都是通过室内水培人工控制杂交培育而成,鲁林2号杨为雌株,母本为欧美杨I-72(P.× euramericana ‘San martino’)、父本为美洲黑杨PE-3-71(P. deltoides ‘PE-3-71’),4~6年生平均单株材积超过对照I-69杨(P.deltoides ‘Lux ’) 24.7 %~59.0 %,特别适宜培育纸浆材;鲁林3号杨为雄株,母本为美洲黑杨I-69,父本为美洲黑杨PE-3-71,4~6年生平均单株材积超过对照I-69杨25.1 %~62.5 %,适宜培育胶合板材,也可以培育纸浆材。

Abstract: Three new poplar clones were selected from the F1 populations obtained both from open pollination and controlled pollination by testing traits such as growth rate, asexual propagation ability, pest & disease resistance, wood mechanical property, wood chemical components, pulp property, plywood property and so on. The selected new poplar clones were quality varieties with traits of high growth rate, high asexual propagation ability, high resistance to pest & disease, quality mechanical properties, and were suitable for both pulpwood and plywood purpose. Among the three selected clones, ‘Lulin1’ was a female hybrid selected from a breeding population, which was obtained from open pollination of poplar clone 228-379 (Populus deltoides ‘228-379’) was suitable for both plywood and pulpwood purpose. Its growth rate was respectively 26.5 % and 14.5 % higher than CK I-107(P.×euramericana ‘Neva’) at Jvxian and Chang qing testing sites at the age of 6 years; ‘Lulin-2’ was a female hybrid selected from a breeding population, which was obtained from controlled pollination between I-72 (P.×euramericana ‘San martino’) and PE-3-71(P. deltoides ‘PE-3-71’) and is especially suitable for pulpwood. Its growth rate was 24.7 %—59.0 % higher than CK I-69 (P.deltoides ‘Lux’) at the age of 4 or 6 years; ‘Lulin-3’ was a male hybrid selected from a breeding population, which was obtained from controlled pollination between I-69 and PE-3-71, and was suitable for pulpwood and plywood. Its growth rate was 25.1 %—62.5 % higher than that of CK I-69 at the age of 4 or 6 years.
