南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1981, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (02): 62-68.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1981.02.004

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江苏省植物研究所中山植物园;江苏省植物研究所中山植物园;江苏省植物研究所中山植物园;江苏省植物研究所中山植物园
  • 出版日期:1981-06-18 发布日期:1981-04-18


Liu Liu, Li Zanwu, Liu Kanxi, Ho Shanan   

  1. Botanical Garden Memor. Sun Yat Sen, Jiangsu Botanical Institute
  • Online:1981-06-18 Published:1981-04-18

摘要: <正>本文通过对江苏省油橄榄引种二十年的总结,从生态学的观点讨论了引种成功的原因和意义,并在此基础上提出了适栽区划和进一步发展的意见。 1.江苏省植物研究所从1959年开始进行油榄榄的引种驯化研究,至今共收集保存了92个品种。全省定植约5万余株,分布在32个县(市)。其中以太湖地区的吴县和无锡两地生长发育最为良好,幼树结果早,而且几乎所有品种都能适应当地的生境。南京和墟沟两地的油榄榄在正常年份较丰产,1979年分别获得折合亩产300—400公斤和638.8公斤的小面积高产记录,接近和超过了地中海地区的高产水平。 2.通过与原产地生境因子的比较,认为江苏与国内其他引种地区相比,降水量较少,日照较多,在自然条件方面具有较大的优越性,但是,冬季低温是这一地区的限制因子。 3.提出以一月份平均温度、地形、土壤等自然条件为区划的主要依据,将一月份平均温度>2.5℃的地区划为适宜栽培区,1.5—2.5℃等温线内的西部丘陵及云台山东部为次适宜栽培区,其他地区为引种试栽区和不适宜区。 4.提出了江苏省油榄榄发展必须采取小面积栽培方式,走集约化道路。

Abstract: The introduction of olives into various regions of Jiangsu Province has proved successful. Based on the research work made in the past twenty years, causes and significance of the success are here discussed, districts suitable for olive cultivation suggested and proposals for their further development raised.1. There are now over 50,000 plants distributed in 32 counties and municipalities in Jiangsu Province and there are 92 cultivars introduced and preserved in the Jiangsu Botanical Institute. In the Counties of Wu and Wuxi in the Taihu Lake area, olives grow and develop best, bear fruit at younger ages and almost every cultivars can adapt itself to the local conditions. Olives in Nanjing and Xugou yield rich harvests in normal years. In 1979, 300-400 kg and 638.8 kg per mu (1/15 hectare) were gathered on small plot basis respectively, with the former coming near to and the latter exceeding the high yield recorded in the Mediterranean area.2. In view of its less precipitation and more sunshine as compared with other places in China where olives have been introduced, Jiangsu is considered to be an area with better natural conditions, but its low temperature in winter forms a restrictive factor for olive cultivation.3. According to the local January mean temperature, topographical feature and soil character, fou classes of regions are classified, i. e, regions suitable for cultivation where mean temperature in January is higher than 2.5C, regions fairly good for cultivation where mean January temperature is at 1.5-2.5C, regions to be under test and regions not fit for introduction.4. Some suggestions for future development of olive are made, namely, small scale plantation, intensive cultivation, selection of cold-resisting and high-yielding species etc.