南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1990, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (02): 1-8.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1990.02.001

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  1. 南京林业大学林学系;南京林业大学林学系
  • 出版日期:1990-06-18 发布日期:1990-04-18


Xiong Wenyu Wang Hanjie   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1990-06-18 Published:1990-04-18

摘要: <正>作者借助近地层空气动力学的研究方法,分析竹林生态系统内部的湍流动态特性及物能流通规律。结果表明:上午日出后,随着太阳辐射的增强,林冠上层因截获太阳辐射而成为热源,热量向下输送,林冠层以下的热量传输则受林中逆温层的影响,逆温层以上热量上传至冠层底部,逆温层以下热量下传至林地。在上午光合作用的峰值期(上午10时左右),林冠为CO_2的汇区,CO_2分别来自上层的大气湍流输送和下层的林地土壤呼吸;而在光合作用的“午休”期,林冠成为CO_2的源区,多余的CO_2主要向林下输送。林冠枝叶的大量蒸腾发生在午后,此时的热量、水汽和CO_2通量均大于午前的数值。此外,林外空旷区的湍流活动在上午11时以后发展强烈,下午4时以后逐渐减弱,由于林冠枝叶的动力摩擦及林内逆温层的影响,林内多数时刻湍流活动不能发展。

Abstract: Based on the theory of ecoboundary system, the authors considered the dense canopy of a bamboo stand as a "ecological body" working as a unit, the interface layers between the canopy and its surrounding as an ecoboundary system complex and the distributional density of leaves and branches within the canopy as a compositional structure of the "ecological body". All these play an important role collectively in material exchange and energy flow of a bamboo ecosystem.The turbilent fluxes are calculated by using the method of aerial dynamics in the atmospheric boundary layer. The results obtained indicate that, after sunrise, the upper part of the canopy is heated first, so the heat transfer is downward from the upper part of the canopy. It is also influenced by the temperature inversion layer near the floor, which causes the weak upward flux from the inversion layer to the lower part of the canopy and downward flux to the floor. At the pick of photosynthesis in the morning about 10 a. m. the canopy serves as a sink of CO2 which comes from the atmosphere above the upper ecoboundary of the canopy and from the respiration of soil underneath; while at the "nap" period of photosynthesis at 2 p. m. the canopy becomes the source of CO2, the excess CO2 mainly goes downward. The transpiration of bamboo leaves and branches is very active in the afternoon. Water vapor and CO2 fluxes are 1-3 times greater than those in the morning, and heat flux even greater than before. In addition, the turbulence is always developed after 11 a. m. outside the forest and gradually disappears after 4 p. m.; while within the forest, turbulence can not be developed all day long except at those moments when the thunder storm occurs.