南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (03): 111-114.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2005.03.028

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  1. 华东师范大学环境科学系, 上海 200062
  • 出版日期:2005-06-18 发布日期:2005-06-18

Ecological Service Functional Assessment on Forest Ecological System of Kunshan City

HU Yan-lin, QI Ren-hai, YOU Wen-hui, DA Liang-jun   

  1. Department of Environmental Sciences East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Online:2005-06-18 Published:2005-06-18

摘要: <正>在福建南靖和三明试验点,对来自福建、湖南、江西、贵州、广东和浙江6省的11个福建柏种源进行种源试验。通过对5年生试验林的调查和观测分析发现,福建柏种内存在丰富的遗传变异,福建柏树高、胸径、地径、材积生长在种源间的差异达到显著或极显著的水平,这些性状具有中等以上的遗传力,其变异主要受遗传因素控制。福建柏种源间可能存在随机变异,种源生长的好坏与种源所在地的地理、气候因子间相关不密切。在变异分析的基础上,对参试种源进行选择,从南靖点种源试验林中选出江西上犹、福建龙岩和贵州黎平等3个优良种源、Nz001等14个优良个体,从三明点种源试验林中选出湖南道县和贵州黎平等2个优良种源、Sz001等14个优良个体。这些遗传材料,可用作无性繁殖的母株、种子园的建园材料或杂交亲本。

Abstract: The author analyzed forest coverage ratio, forest space per person, public forest space per person, ecological forest coverage ratio, forest space distribution and synthesis ecological value of Kunshan city at the different phases according to the method of forest ecosystem services, social-economic-natural complex ecosystem theory, ecological planning principles, and the planning of Kunshan city forest ecosystem. And then the paper using the polygon synthesis indicator method evalated the forest ecosystem services of Kunshan city and made the suggestions of ecological services.
