南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 135-142.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202003057
YUAN Yanan(), LI Zhengca*(
), WANG Bin, ZHANG Yujie, HUANG Shengyi
LI Zhengca
摘要: 目的 了解不同林龄榧树根、枝、叶的生态化学计量特征和内稳性特征的变化情况,为榧树的科学管理和保护提供基础数据。 方法 以浙江省诸暨市香榧国家森林公园0~100、≥100~300、≥300~500和≥500 a共4个林龄段的实生榧树为研究对象,通过野外采集榧树植株样品(根、枝、叶)和0~20 cm层土壤样品,分析不同林龄榧树根、枝、叶的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量特征变化和榧树内稳性特征。结果 不同林龄榧树C、N、P含量及化学计量特征均无显著差异,根、枝、叶的C、N、P含量均以≥300~500 a的榧树表现最高,枝和叶的C、N含量以≥500 a的榧树最低,而根P含量以≥100~300 a的最低;不同林龄榧树叶的N/P(N、P质量比)均小于N限制的阈值(14);榧树根、枝、叶的C、N、P含量存在一定的变化趋势,整体上表现为叶>枝>根,叶和枝的C、P含量显著高于根的,叶N含量显著高于根和枝的,各器官N和P含量均为正相关关系,且枝中N、P相关性达到极显著水平(P <0.01);榧树根、枝、叶的化学计量特征存在差异,根和枝的C/N(C、N质量比)显著高于叶的,根的C/P(C、P质量比)显著高于枝、叶的; 内稳性指数HN/P(20.00)>HP(11.76),即内稳性以N/P大于P。结论榧树C、N、P化学计量特征随林龄增长未表现出差异,而榧树根、枝、叶的C、N、P含量及化学计量特征存在差异,并且榧树整个生长过程中均受到N素的限制,需要合理施N肥来促进榧树的生长。
原雅楠,李正才,王斌,等. 不同林龄榧树根、枝、叶的C、N、P化学计量及内稳性特征[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 45(6): 135-142.
YUAN Yanan, LI Zhengca, WANG Bin, ZHANG Yujie, HUANG Shengyi. Ecological stoichiometry in leaves, branches and roots of Torreya grandis with different forest ages and its stoichiometric homoeostasis[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 45(6): 135-142.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202003057.
样地 林龄/a forest age | 平均坡度/(°) mean slop | 平均海拔/m mean altitude | pH | 有机碳含量/ (g·kg-1) organic carbon content | 水解性氮含量/ (mg·kg-1) hydrolyzable nitrogen content | 有效磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) available phosphorus content |
0~100 | 27±6 | 512±85 | 4.76±0.57 | 20.21±2.29 | 118.97±33.62 | 54.75±12.73 |
≥100~300 | 24±4 | 532±41 | 4.95±0.68 | 24.22±5.83 | 151.04±39.42 | 24.04±3.41 |
≥300~500 | 27±10 | 472±23 | 4.85±0.66 | 22.07±1.70 | 157.30±31.16 | 36.98±8.25 |
≥500 | 36±6 | 514±105 | 5.25±0.75 | 21.28±6.80 | 151.38±47.43 | 43.16±6.90 |
林龄/a forest age | 根root | 枝branch | 叶leaf | ||||||
C含量/(g·kg-1) content of C | N含量/(g·kg-1) content of N | P含量/(g·kg-1) content of P | C含量/(g·kg-1) content of C | N含量/(g·kg-1) content of N | P含量/(g·kg-1) content of P | C含量/(g·kg-1) content of C | N含量/(g·kg-1) content of N | P含量/(g·kg-1) content of P | |
0~100 | 479.00±14.18 Ab | 12.15±3.36 Ab | 1.12±0.71 Aa | 494.33±11.50 ABb | 12.08±2.54 Ab | 1.30±0.46 Aa | 512.00±12.00 Aa | 21.13±2.02 Aa | 1.77±0.52 Aa |
≥100~300 | 463.67±17.16 Bb | 13.37±2.76 Ab | 0.90±0.08 Ab | 502.30±9.07 Aa | 12.40±0.70 Ab | 1.75±0.07 Aa | 513.67±14.01 Aa | 22.37±4.31 Aa | 1.86±0.30 Aa |
≥300~500 | 502.33±16.26 Aa | 13.27±1.51 Ab | 0.90±0.11 Ab | 482.33±5.51 Bb | 13.63±1.18 Ab | 1.75±0.13 Aa | 512.00±11.14 Aa | 25.73±1.30 Aa | 1.77±0.12 Aa |
≥500 | 467.33±17.39 Ba | 13.39±4.87 Ab | 1.20±0.40 Aa | 488.67±8.50 ABa | 13.23±2.10 Ab | 1.78±0.43 Aa | 500.00±22.61 Aa | 24.63±1.45 Aa | 1.86±0.13 Aa |
平均值mean | 478.08±21.02 c | 13.04±1.66 b | 1.03±0.38 b | 491.92±10.81 b | 12.84±2.91 b | 1.64±0.34 a | 509.42±14.49 a | 23.47±2.90 a | 1.82±0.27 a |
林龄/a forest age | 根root | 枝branch | 叶leaf | ||||||
C/N | C/P | N/P | C/N | C/P | N/P | C/N | C/P | N/P | |
0~100 | 41.41±10.89 Aa | 565.18±353.57 Aa | 12.83±5.37 Aa | 42.06±8.09 Aa | 410.91±135.18 Aa | 9.60±1.36 Aa | 24.41±2.85 Ab | 305.38±85.32 Aa | 12.35±2.20 Aa |
≥100~300 | 35.71±7.46 Aa | 517.07±65.33 Aa | 14.76±2.28 Aa | 40.59±2.08 Aa | 287.36±12.78 Ab | 7.10±0.68 Bb | 23.68±5.59 Ab | 281.69±52.26 Ab | 12.02±1.31 Aa |
≥300~500 | 38.11±3.28 Aa | 564.20±66.55 Aa | 14.98±3.09 Aa | 35.55±3.01 Aa | 276.08±20.52 Ab | 7.77±0.12 Bb | 19.93±1.14 Ab | 289.42±17.06 Ab | 14.53±0.57 Aa |
≥500 | 38.70±15.90 Aa | 418.30±127.55 Aa | 11.10±1.53 Ab | 37.47±5.07 Aa | 283.07±56.69 Aa | 7.51±0.55 Bc | 20.32±0.94 Aa | 269.18±8.25 Aa | 13.27±0.94 Aa |
平均值mean | 38.48±9.17 a | 516.19±176.54 a | 13.42±0.96 a | 38.92±5.11 a | 314.35±86.15 b | 8.00±0.35 b | 22.09±3.44 b | 286.42±45.53 b | 13.04±0.45 a |
榧树根、枝、叶C、N、P含量间的相关性 RC、RN、RP表示根C、N、P含量;SC、SN、SP表示枝C、N、P含量;LC、LN、LP.叶C、N、P含量。红色代表正相关,蓝色代表负相关;颜色越深,相关性越显著。The concentrations of C, N, and P in roots are expressed by RC, RN and RP, the concentrations of C, N, and P in branches are expressed by SC, SN and SP, and the concentrations of C, N, and P in leaves are expressed by LC, LN and LP. Red represents a positive correlation and blue represents a negative correlation. The darker the color, the more important the correlation."
榧树C/N、C/P、N/P相关性 RC/N、RC/P和RN/P表示根C/N、C/P、N/P;SC/N、SC/P和SN/P表示枝C/N、C/P、N/P;LC/N、LC/P和LN/P表示叶C/N、C/P、N/P。红色代表正相关,蓝色代表负相关;颜色越深,相关性越显著。The C/N, C/P, and N/P ratios of roots are expressed by RC/N, RC/P, and RN/P, the C/N, C/P and N/P ratios of branches are expressed by SC/N, SC/P, and SN/P, and the C/N, C/P, and N/P ratios of leaves are expressed by LC/N, LC/P, and LN/P. Red represents positive correlation and blue represents negative correlation. The darker the color, the more important the correlation."
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