南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2000, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (04): 16-20.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2000.04.004

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院;南京210037;南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院;南京210037
  • 出版日期:2000-08-18 发布日期:2000-08-18

Variation of Chlorothalonil Sensitivity within Sphaeropsis sapinea in China

WU Xiao qin,HONG Ying di   

  1. College of Forest Resources and Environment Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing\ 210037,China
  • Online:2000-08-18 Published:2000-08-18

摘要: <正>应用杀菌剂百菌清对从中国不同地理区域和不同针叶树上收集的 55个松树枯梢

Abstract: Fifty five S.sapinea isolates were collected on different conifers from 13 provinces in China.Variation of sensitivity to fungicide chlorothalonil within the isolates was measured and evaluated on the basis of relative conidium germination (RCG)and relative mycelium growth (RMG).The results showed that conidia of S.sapinea were more sensitive to chlorothalonil than mycelia,and the variale range of sensitivity in conidia among isolates was also larger (RCG?1%~100%)than that in mycelia(RMG?78.4%~96.4%).It suggested that conidia sensitivity to chlorothalonil had low correlation with geographic sources, hosts and disease incidence, but mycelia sensitive to chlorothalonil seemed to have some relation with losts and disease incidence.
