南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1983, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (04): 5-19.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1983.04.002

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  1. 南京林产工业学院林学系;南京林产工业学院林学系
  • 出版日期:1983-12-18 发布日期:1983-08-18


Chtn Yuewu and Shi Jisen   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1983-12-18 Published:1983-08-18

摘要: <正> 自1964年以来,南京林学院和福建省林业厅林木种苗公司合作,开展了杉木遗传改良工作。20年的实践证明,按我们所制定的原则标准和方法,在现有杉木人工林分中进行选择,其遗传增益是明显的。在闽中、闽西北地区,应用杉木普通无性系种子园的种子造林,在相同的立地条件和经营管理下,立木材积生长量平均增长15%,优良家系可增长50%以上,而且抗杉木针叶炭疽病的能力也有所提高。早期在福建洋口林场营建的种子园,预计到1985年可满足建阳地区每年十五万亩人工更新造林用种。随着普通种子园种子产量的提高与造林面积的扩大,杉木遗传改良将会取得更大的经济效益。 七十年代中期,我们致力于杉木第二代改良的准备工作。八十年代初,进行了第二代改良的选优和育种园、种子园的营建工作。目前,育种园中收集第二代育种材料350株,部分已进入始花期。1984年将完成第二代种子园的嫁接工作。随着杉木遗传改良工作的深入,在理论和实践上都面临着一些基本的而又是十分重要的问题,现就这些问题探讨于后。

Abstract: In the field of genetic improvement of Chinese Fir these has been an effective co-operation between the research workers of Nanjing Technological College of Forest Products and those of the Company of Foresty Seed ?Seedling Management of Fu-jian Province since 1964. After the completion of the work on the improvement of the first generation orchard, they began to focus their attention on the improvement of the second generation. The authors of this paper not only introduced their results achieved since 1970s but also tried to relate and sum up from the viewpoints of the: ory as well as practice some basic problems in this field. The problems mainly deal with the following aspects:(1) Three basic conclusions of genetic variation model of Chinese Fir Three basic conclusions of genetic variation model of Chinese Fir have been drawn, of which the most important one is the irregularity of the geographic variation in their dis, tribution area. Under the pressure of natural and artificial selection; large populations in different geographic areas will be devided into many sub-populations and conse quently different sub-population centres will gradually be formed, nevertheless the authors suggested that at present, close attention should be devoted to the selection of superious plantations and plustree in sub-population in certain geographic areas to get a better economic benifit.( 2 ) The basic ways of genetic improvement is still selection breeding A brief introduction to the efficiency of selection breeding work on Chinese Fir was made, and the possible ways to raise the efficiency of selection further also discussed.