南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (02): 135-138.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2011.02.029

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  1. 江苏省林业科学研究院,江苏南京 211153
  • 出版日期:2011-04-13 发布日期:2011-04-13
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-01-14修回日期:2010-11-26 基金项目:江苏省环境监测科研基金项目(2009-0912)作者简介:汪有良(1963—),副研究员。*王保松(通信作者),研究员。Email:baosong66@sohu.com。引文格式:汪有良,王保松,施士争. 乔木型柳树杂种无性系对镉的吸收和积累特性[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2011,35(2):135-138.

Research on cadmium absorption characters of arbor willows

WANG Youliang, WANG Baosong*,SHI Shizheng   

  1. Jiangsu Academy of Forestry,Nanjing 211153,China
  • Online:2011-04-13 Published:2011-04-13

摘要: 通过营养液培养技术,测定了镉污染状况下(Cd2+含量 为 50 mg/kg)11个乔木型柳树杂种158个无性系叶片和枝条的镉含量。结果显示:枝条镉含量在2750~14216 mg/kg之间,叶片镉含量在29.41~24263 mg/kg之间;6个主要杂种间的无性系叶片及枝条的镉含量没有显著差异;各杂种叶片和枝条的镉含量间存在显著或极显著相关性;多数无性系的叶片镉含量高于枝条的镉含量,比值平均为12。因此,可以通过无性系测定以选育枝条及叶片镉含量高的新品种。

Abstract: In this paper, we studied genetic variation of cadmium contents in leaves and twigs of 158 arbor willow clones.Results are as follows: Cadmium contents are in range of 27.50—142.16 mg/kg in twigs of different tested clones, while they are in range of 29.41—242.63 mg/kg in leaves of tested clones.There were no significant differences among 6 major hybrids in cadmium contents in leaves or twigs.There were significant correlations between cadmium contents in leaves and those in twigs for each hybrid.Cadmium contents in leaves were higher than those in twigs for most clones, with the average content ratio values of leaves to twigs at 1.2. The results suggested that selection of new willow varieties with higher cadmium contents in twigs or leaves could be available through direct test on cadmium absorption characters for different clone.
