南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (04): 83-86.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2011.04.017

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  1. 南京林业大学,江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京210037
  • 出版日期:2011-08-13 发布日期:2011-08-13
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-09-25修回日期:2011-03-23 基金项目:江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室开放课题(200907);国家自然科学基金项目(30972321)作者简介:吴伟兵(1982—),讲师,博士。Email: wbwu@yahoo.cn。

First hyperpolarizabilities of Naryl pyridinium dyes

WU Weibing, ZHOU Xiaofan, JING Yi,DAI Hongqi   

  1. Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2011-08-13 Published:2011-08-13

摘要: 在纳秒激光器上通过超瑞利散射 (HRS) 技术测定了具有推拉结构的 N-芳基取代吡啶盐类化合物的一阶超极化率,研究了它们的二阶非线性光学性质。结果表明,当吡啶环中N原子上的取代基由烷基变成芳基时,化合物的荧光发射强度急剧降低,但是一阶超极化率却明显增加。该系列化合物中两个相连的六元环破坏了吡啶盐的共轭平面结构,降低了化合物的荧光量子效率;另一方面,吡啶环上的取代芳基相对于烷基而言,其共轭体系增大,推拉电子能力增强,分子内电荷转移程度增大,从而提高了吡啶盐化合物的一阶超极化率。

Abstract: First hyperpolarizability (β) values of a series of Naryl pyridinium dyes with “pushpull” structure were measured by hyperrayleigh scattering (HRS) technique with an Nd:YAG nanosecond laser. The result showed that fluorescence of these compounds decreased intensively but β values increased when alkyl was replaced with aryl at pyridine N atom. The simulative geometrical structure indicated that aryl substitute directly linked to pyridine ring broke the planarity of the conjugated system which decreased the fluorescence quantum field greatly. The increase of β might be mainly attributed to the enhanced electronwithdrawing abilities of corresponding aryl substitute
