南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 189-198.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202001031
张赟齐1,2,3(), 刘晨1, 刘阳1,3, 叶常奇1,3, 张萌1, 贾黎明1,3, 郝艳宾2, 苏淑钗1,3,*(
ZHANG Yunqi1,2,3(), LIU Chen1, LIU Yang1,3, YE Changqi1,3, ZHANG Meng1, JIA Liming1,3, HAO Yanbin2, SU Shuchai1,3,*(
SU Shuchai
【目的】在叶幕尺度上,通过分析微域环境和果实产量、品质的关系来揭示叶幕微域环境对无患子果实的影响,并为后续无患子叶幕结构优化和营造适宜微环境提供理论依据和技术支持。【方法】以福建建宁地区进入稳定结实期的10年生自然圆头形无患子为研究对象,采用小格子法将整个叶幕分成144个小区,在整个生长期内逐月测定小区的微域环境因子,并在采收期测定各小区果实产量指标,以此来绘制整个生长期微域环境因子和产量的叶幕空间分布三维图;根据距离树干位置远近和自然分层现象将144个小区归并到9个不同的叶幕大区域中,对大区域的微域环境因子和果实产量、品质进行差异显著性分析;分层探讨微域环境因子和果实特征的相关性,并依此构建果实产量、品质与叶幕微域环境因子的回归预测模型,最终得到无患子果实优质丰产的微域环境条件。【结果】①随着叶幕区域由内膛到外围、由下层到上层,整个生长季的平均温度分别增加了0.3 和1.5 ℃、平均光合有效辐射分别增加了330.76和463.53 μmol/(m 2·s)、平均相对湿度分别下降了1.1%和3.0%,果实产量显著增加,下、中和上层果实产量比例为8:17:75,内、中和外围果实产量比例为24:32:44。水平方向上微域环境和果实产量的差异明显小于垂直方向的差异,结实部位主要集中在叶幕外围和上层;②叶幕9个大区域的果实数量、鲜果产量、干果产量、果实含水率、单果干质量和油产量均存在显著性差异,但假果皮占果质量比、出籽率、种子出仁率和种仁含油率的差异均不显著;③果实产量、种子出仁率、油产量与温度、光合有效辐射均呈显著正相关而与相对湿度呈显著负相关。光合有效辐射对果实产量、品质的影响最大,与果实产量的相关系数高达0.8,温度对果实特征的影响仅次于光合有效辐射,而相对湿度对果实特征的影响相对较小;④通过构建叶幕微域环境因子和果实特征的单因素二次回归模型可以得到无患子果实优质丰产的微域环境条件为:温度28~30 ℃,相对湿度小于74%,光合有效辐射830~1 203 μmol/(m 2·s);⑤构建的多元回归模型拟合度更高,对果实和油产量的估算更准确,可用于自然圆头形无患子果实和油产量的初步预测。【结论】叶幕微域环境因子影响果实特征的形成,其协同效应对无患子果实产量、品质的影响更大;叶幕中、下层果实产量、品质更强烈地受到微域环境的影响,通过基于叶幕结构和结实特性的园艺措施改善中、下层叶幕微域环境有利于无患子果实产量、品质的整体提高。
张赟齐,刘晨,刘阳,等. 叶幕微域环境对无患子果实产量和品质的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 44(5): 189-198.
ZHANG Yunqi, LIU Chen, LIU Yang, YE Changqi, ZHANG Meng, JIA Liming, HAO Yanbin, SU Shuchai. Effects of canopy micro-environment on fruit yield and quality characteristics of Sapindus mukorossi[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 44(5): 189-198.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202001031.
Table 3
Characteristics and variance analysis of micro-environmental factors in different canopy areas during the whole growth period of S. mukorossi"
叶幕区域 area of canopy | T/℃ | 相对湿度/% RH | 光合有效辐射/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) PAR |
LI | 29.1±2.6 a | 76.9±7.3 a | 121.76±47.33 a |
LM | 29.4±2.7 a | 75.5±7.2 a | 395.17±95.56 bc |
LO | 29.8±2.8 a | 74.6±7.1 a | 646.28±148.30 de |
CI | 29.3±2.7 a | 75.6±6.6 a | 262.76±100.48 ab |
CM | 29.6±2.6 a | 74.6±6.7 a | 545.15±128.93 cd |
CO | 30.1±2.7 a | 73.6±6.7 a | 761.08±172.59 ef |
UI | 31.3±3.2 a | 72.1±6.8 a | 867.56±153.62 f |
UM | 30.9±3.1 a | 72.8±6.7 a | 849.24±148.57 f |
UO | 30.7±3.1 a | 73.1±6.5 a | 837.00±145.89 f |
叶幕 区域 area of canopy | 果实数量 FN | 鲜果产量/g FFY | 干果产量/g DFY | 含水率/% WCF | 单果 干质量/g SDFW | 假果皮 占果比/% DAR | 出籽率/% DSR | 种子出仁率/ % KCS | 种仁含油率/ % OCK | 油产量/g OY | |||||||||
LI | 24±5.61 a | 172.04±24.44 a | 102.38±14.09 a | 40.34±3.27 a | 4.39±0.69 a | 66.74±1.72 a | 33.26±1.72 a | 27.31±1.96 a | 36.15±2.07 a | 3.26±0.62 a | |||||||||
LM | 65±12.45 a | 487.72±92.45 b | 294.06±40.13 b | 39.27±3.02 ab | 4.56±0.23 ab | 66.33±2.06 a | 33.67±2.06 a | 28.40±2.61 a | 37.48±2.42 a | 10.50±1.73 a | |||||||||
LO | 178±35.56 b | 1 358.88±116.81 c | 856.45±26.69 c | 36.71±4.12 abc | 4.95±0.86 abc | 66.25±1.87 a | 33.75±1.87 a | 29.25±2.86 a | 38.69±2.96 a | 32.57±2.81 b | |||||||||
CI | 34±6.20 a | 252.70±53.99 a | 160.46±27.11 a | 35.94±3.61 bc | 4.78±0.83 abc | 67.43±2.20 a | 32.57±2.20 a | 27.42±1.76 a | 37.12±2.07 a | 5.32±1.02 a | |||||||||
CM | 167±33.77 b | 1 276.30±202.00 c | 826.82±131.15 c | 35.14±2.82 bc | 5.01±0.57 abc | 66.37±1.66 a | 33.63±1.66 a | 29.14±1.91 a | 38.54±2.71 a | 31.02±4.17 b | |||||||||
CO | 374±39.03 c | 2 868.54±230.15 d | 1 880.60±88.96 d | 34.26±3.41 c | 5.07±0.55 abc | 67.20±1.87 a | 32.80±1.87 a | 29.49±2.41 a | 39.21±2.91 a | 71.57±11.77 c | |||||||||
UI | 753±41.15 d | 5 649.97±217.73 e | 3 759.22±65.42 e | 33.40±2.28 c | 5.02±0.34 abc | 68.06±1.14 a | 31.94±1.14 a | 29.41±1.99 a | 39.55±2.98 a | 139.41±12.66 d | |||||||||
UM | 777±41.08 d | 6 102.86±201.66 f | 4 070.07±45.12 f | 33.26±1.78 c | 5.25±0.34 bc | 67.88±1.15 a | 32.12±1.15 a | 29.46±2.14 a | 39.45±2.78 a | 151.27±4.96 e | |||||||||
UO | 835±39.47 e | 6 742.08±244.05 g | 4 504.12±120.49 g | 33.13±2.76 c | 5.40±0.36 c | 67.61±1.35 a | 32.39±1.35 a | 29.63±1.71 a | 39.41±2.79 a | 170.55±19.63 f |
Table 5
Correlations between the micro-environmental factors and the fruit characteristics of S. mukorossi"
微域环境因子 micro- environment factors | 下层lower layer | 中层central layer | 上层upper layer | ||||||||||||||
FFY | DFY | SDFW | KCS | OCK | OY | FFY | DFY | SDFW | KCS | OCK | OY | FFY | DFY | SDFW | KCS | OCK | |
T | 0.818** | 0.815** | 0.545** | 0.327* | 0.374** | 0.754** | 0.844** | 0.848** | 0.307* | 0.469** | 0.344* | 0.825** | 0.700** | 0.700** | -0.591** | 0.333* | 0.677** |
RH | -0.717** | -0.716** | -0.428** | -0.288* | -0.446** | -0.704** | -0.728** | -0.727** | -0.295* | -0.436** | -0.286* | -0.710** | -0.573** | -0.570** | 0.624** | -0.302* | -0.542** |
PAR | 0.824** | 0.823** | 0.556** | 0.413** | 0.408** | 0.777** | 0.851** | 0.850** | 0.322* | 0.532** | 0.418** | 0.841** | 0.814** | 0.809** | -0.724** | 0.346* | 0.790** |
Table 6
Multivariate analysis of micro-environmental factors and fruit characteristics of S. mukorossi"
产量/品质 yield/quality | 层级 layers | 多元回归模型 multivariate regression equations | 预测值与实测值的线性方程 linear equation between the simulated and measured values | R2 | F |
鲜果产量 FFY | 下lower | Y=39.74X1+12.23X2+0.07X3-2 083.78 | Y=1.00X+2.27×10-6 | 0.733 | 40.233** |
中central | Y=71.86X1+24.27X2+0.15X3-3 943.96 | Y=1.00X+1.21×10-6 | 0.773 | 49.942** | |
上upper | Y=-291.45X1+130.13X2+22.70X3-19 319.95 | Y=1.00X-1.54×10-7 | 0.709 | 36.537** | |
干果产量 DFY | 下lower | Y=25.46X1+8.07X2+0.05X3-1353.88 | Y=1.00X-2.08×10-6 | 0.730 | 39.593** |
中central | Y=53.40X1+16.65X2+0.09X3-2824.20 | Y=1.00X-1.52×10-6 | 0.775 | 50.624** | |
上upper | Y=-177.94X1+88.20X2+14.89X3-13 283.13 | Y=1.00X-4.72×10-7 | 0.698 | 34.745** | |
单果干质量 SDFW | 下lower | Y=0.72X1+0.49X2+2.01×10-3X3-54.60 | Y=1.00X-2.74×10-5 | 0.443 | 11.659** |
中central | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
上upper | Y=0.80X1+0.14X2-0.02X3-8.76 | Y=1.00X-1.91×10-5 | 0.598 | 22.319** | |
种子出仁率 KCS | 下lower | Y=-0.01X1+0.02X2-0.83 | Y=1.00X+1.78×10-6 | 0.272 | 5.486** |
中central | Y=-0.01X1+3.99×10-3X2+0.20 | Y=1.00X-1.45×10-5 | 0.305 | 6.428** | |
上upper | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
种仁含油率 OCK | 下lower | Y=4.80X1-1.27X2-0.01X3-5.26 | Y=1.00X+3.32×10-5 | 0.246 | 4.789** |
中central | Y=-1.92X1+1.59X2+0.02X3-31.34 | Y=1.00X+1.91×10-5 | 0.240 | 4.635** | |
上upper | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
种仁油产量 OY | 下lower | Y=1.10X1+0.28X2+1.98×10-3X3-53.41 | Y=1.00X-5.42×10-7 | 0.705 | 31.101** |
中central | Y=1.67X1+0.70X2+0.01X3-101.85 | Y=1.00X+1.09×10-6 | 0.755 | 45.257** | |
上upper | Y=-7.47X1+4.02X2+0.61X3-564.98 | Y=1.00X+1.35×10-6 | 0.682 | 31.781** |
产量/品质 yield/ quality | 层级 layers | 单因素二次回归模型single factor quadratic regression model | 适宜微环境范围suitable range | |||||||
T/℃ | R2 | 相对湿度/% RH | R2 | 光合有效辐射/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) PAR | R2 | T/ ℃ | 相对湿 度/% RH | 光合有效辐射/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) PAR | ||
鲜果 产量 FFY | 下lower | Y=39.46X2-2.28×103X+3.29×104 | 0.718 | Y=6.51X2-1.00×103X+3.84×104 | 0.579 | Y=1.48×10-4X2-0.05X+25.52 | 0.710 | <31 | <74 | >826 |
中central | Y=-39.56X2+2.45×103X-3.78×104 | 0.721 | Y=-15.38X2+2.26×103X-8.26×104 | 0.582 | Y=3.82×10-5X2+0.13X-5.35 | 0.725 | ||||
上upper | Y=978.19X2-6.00×104X+9.20×104 | 0.558 | Y=226.31X2-3.32×104X+1.22×106 | 0.381 | Y=0.25X2-416.78X+1.72×104 | 0.707 | ||||
干果 产量 DFY | 下lower | Y=27.15X2-1.57×103X+2.27×104 | 0.717 | Y=4.14X2-635.58X+2.44×104 | 0.573 | Y=9.90×10-5X2-0.03X+15.63 | 0.722 | 28~31 | <74 | >830 |
中central | Y=-22.74X2+1.42×103X-2.20×104 | 0.725 | Y=-9.76X2+1.43×103X-5.23×104 | 0.575 | Y=3.14×10-5X2+0.08X-3.01 | 0.721 | ||||
上upper | Y=664.26X2-4.07×104X+6.25×104 | 0.558 | Y=149. 16X2-2.19×104X+8.01×104 | 0.376 | Y=0.17X2-278.83X+1.15×104 | 0.698 | ||||
单果 干质量 SDFW | 下lower | Y=0.30X2-17.19X+247.32 | 0.323 | Y=-0.08X2+12.57X-463.12 | 0.205 | Y=1.48×10-6X2-6.95×10-5X+4.37 | 0.322 | 28~31 | <75 | — |
中central | Y=-0.47X2+28.00X-415.27 | 0.111 | Y=-0.03X2+4.07X-142.02 | 0.089 | Y=-8.70×10-7X2+1.48×10-3X+4.45 | 0.109 | ||||
上upper | Y=-0.51X2+31.10X-467.22 | 0.364 | Y=-0.15X2+22.11X-810.65 | 0.407 | Y=-1.37×10-5X2+9.58×10-3X+7.01 | 0.525 | ||||
种子 出仁率 KCS | 下lower | Y=-0.04X2+2.26X-33.23 | 0.144 | Y=-4.82×10-3X2+0.72X-26.86 | 0.126 | Y=-2.71×10-8X2+5.63×10-5X+0.27 | 0.174 | <31 | <75 | >858 |
中central | Y=-0.04X2+2.65X-39.28 | 0.307 | Y=-6.16×10-3X2+0.91X-33.31 | 0.256 | Y=-1.01×10-7X2+1.46×10-4X+0.24 | 0.328 | ||||
上upper | Y=0.02X2-1.24X+19.32 | 0.121 | Y=-2.64×10-3X2-0.39X+14.82 | 0.094 | Y=1.40×10-5X2-0.02X+10.24 | 0.154 | ||||
种仁 含油率 OCK | 下lower | Y=1.55X2-87.22X+1.26×103 | 0.227 | Y=0.56X2-85.55X+3.33×103 | 0.220 | Y=1.99×10-7X2+5.79×10-3X+35.16 | 0.167 | 28~30 | <74 | <1 203 |
中central | Y=-7.08X2+423.29X-6.28×103 | 0.191 | Y=-0.60X2+88.72X-3.23×103 | 0.102 | Y=-3.94×10-6X2+9.48×10-3X+34.48 | 0.177 | ||||
上upper | NA | — | NA | — | NA | — | ||||
种仁 油产量 OY | 下lower | Y=1.35X2-78.33X+1.14×103 | 0.695 | Y=0.19X2-29.19X+1.12×103 | 0.563 | Y=4.17×10-6X2-1.38×10-3X+0.54 | 0.667 | 28~31 | <73 | >829 |
中central | Y=-1.25X2+76.96X-1.18×103 | 0.692 | Y=-0.46X2+67.04X-2.46×103 | 0.567 | Y=8.90×10-7X2+3.68×10-3X-0.33 | 0.708 | ||||
上upper | Y=25.45X2-1.56×103X+2.39×104 | 0.523 | Y=5.85X2-857.61X+3.14×104 | 0.342 | Y=7.45×10-3X2-12.36X+5.13×103 | 0.680 |
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