南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 243-246.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202001027

• 新品种 • 上一篇    


苏胜荣1(), 王继山2,*(), 刘腾腾3, 王恩翠3, 桑旦次仁4, 张小鹏2, 李昕宇2, 张天星2   

  1. 1.黄山学院生命与环境科学学院,安徽 黄山 245041
    2.国家林业和草原局昆明勘察设计院,自然保护区及野生动植物西南监测中心,云南 昆明 650200
    3.山东师范大学生命科学学院,山东 济南 250014
    4.西藏自治区林业和草原局森林病虫害防治站,西藏 拉萨 850000
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-10 接受日期:2021-01-18 出版日期:2021-07-30 发布日期:2021-07-30
  • 通讯作者: 王继山
  • 基金资助:

A report on a new leaf-mining pest of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica in Tibet: Phyllonoryoley pastorella

SU Shengrong1(), WANG Jishan2,*(), LIU Tengteng3, WANG Encui3, SANGDAN Ciren4, ZHANG Xiaopeng2, LI Xinyu2, ZHANG Tianxing2   

  1. 1. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245041, China
    2. China Forest Exploration & Design Institute in Kunming, Southwest Monitoring Center of Protected Area and Wildlife, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming 650200, China
    3. College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Ji’nan 250014, China
    4. Forest Pest Management Station of Tibet Autonomous Region Forestry and Grassland Administration, Lhasa 850000, China
  • Received:2020-01-10 Accepted:2021-01-18 Online:2021-07-30 Published:2021-07-30
  • Contact: WANG Jishan


【目的】对在中国西藏地区严重危害藏川杨的未知潜叶蛾进行分类学、生物学、发生调查及危害研究,为藏川杨有害生物的有效防治提供参考。【方法】在西藏12个区县设置样地131块,获得生物学、发生和危害数据,并采集含有幼虫的被害叶片,饲养得到成虫标本,保留蛹蜕、潜道,解剖成虫外生殖器、制成玻片标本片,分类鉴定,最终确定该虫分类学地位。【结果】根据潜叶害虫潜道、蛹、成虫及其外生殖器的形态特征,鉴定新发现害虫为柳潜细蛾[Phyllonorycter pastorella (Zeller, 1846)]。该种的形态学鉴别特征主要在雄性外生殖器上,包括抱器瓣基部稍狭,背缘中部膨大被短刚毛,至3/4处急剧变狭,抱器腹具1列短刚毛,末端呈钩状,有长刚毛;结合寄主和潜道特点可做准确鉴定。柳潜细蛾幼虫潜叶为害,使藏川杨叶下表皮与叶肉组织分离,被潜食部位叶背面鼓起泡囊,相应位置叶正面褪绿发黄。在131块样地中,柳潜细蛾危害严重的占比29.0%,分布在昌都、洛隆、尼木等县;危害中等的占比22.9%,危害较轻的占比48.1%,分布在南木林、江达、察雅等县,其中察雅县虽然受害较轻但点多面广。【结论】柳潜细蛾是西藏地区严重危害藏川杨的新害虫,是西藏新记录种。藏川杨是柳潜细蛾的新寄主。建议西藏察雅县密切关注虫情的发展变化,及时做好防治工作。

关键词: 柳潜细蛾, 形态特征, 藏川杨, 新记录种, 西藏


【Objective】This study aimed to investigate the taxonomy, biology, occurrence and herbivory damage of a new leaf-mining moth feeding on Populus szechuanica var. tibetica so as to provide a reference for its control. 【Method】 A total of 131 plots were set up in 12 districts or counties of Tibet to obtain biological, occurrence and herbivory data. Damaged leaves containing larvae were collected and reared to obtain adult specimens. Pupal exuviae and leaf mines were preserved, and adult genitalia were dissected and mounted on slides for taxonomic identification. 【Result】 According to the morphological characteristics of the leaf mines, pupal exuviae, the adults and the genitalia of the moth, the newly discovered pest was identified as Phyllonorycter pastorella (Zeller, 1846). The morphological diagnostic characters lie largely on the male genitalia, including a narrow valva at the base and a dilated costa at the middle covering short setae, which then remarkably narrows at basal 3/4, with a line of short setae on dorsum, and a horn-like process located ventro-apically. The combined characteristics of the male genitalia, host plants, and leaf mines can facilitate the precise identification of this species. Larvae of this species are leaf miners, making tent-formed mines typical of Phyllonorycter. Among the 131 plots, 29.0% were severely damaged by Phyllonorycter pastorella, distributed throughout Qamdo, Luolong, Nimu, and other counties. Moderate damage accounted for 22.9% and lighter damage accounted for 48.1%, distributed throughout Nanmulin, Jiangda, Chaya, and other counties. Of these, Chaya County has suffered less damage but has seen damage in many more areas. 【Conclusion】 Phyllonorycter pastorella is a newly recorded pest that seriously endangers Tibetan poplar in Tibet, which is a new host plant for this species. Phyllonorycter pastorella should be paid special attention and closely monitored for the prevention and control of pest outbreaks.

Key words: Phyllonorycter pastorella (Zeller), morphological feature, Populus szechuanica var. tibetica, new record species, Tibet Autonomous Region
