南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 51-61.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202404005
郝兆东(), 马筱筱, 王丹丹, 陆叶, 施季森, 陈金慧*(
HAO Zhaodong(), MA Xiaoxiao, WANG Dandan, LU Ye, SHI Jisen, CHEN Jinhui*(
【目的】PIN-FORMED(PIN)属于生长素转运蛋白,能够介导生长素的极性运输,在植物的生长和发育过程中扮演着关键角色。本研究旨在解析鹅掌楸PIN1基因对植物生长和发育的影响。【方法】通过蛋白序列同源比对、系统发育树构建以及蛋白结构域预测的方法,鉴定鹅掌楸中PIN1的同源蛋白LcPIN1s。然后,通过转录组数据解析LcPIN1s基因的组织特异性表达情况,并通过实时荧光定量逆转录PCR(RT-qPCR)方法研究LcPIN1s在不同苗龄再生植株的根、茎和叶组织中的表达动态。此外,通过转录组数据解析LcPIN1s基因在低温、高温以及干旱胁迫条件下的时序动态表达,并进一步利用RT-qPCR方法研究LcPIN1s响应干旱胁迫与内源ABA合成之间的关联。最后,通过克隆鹅掌楸叶片中高表达的PIN1同源基因LcPIN1a,构建由CaMV35S启动子驱动的过表达载体(35S:LcPIN1a),通过异源转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)和同源转化杂种鹅掌楸(Liriodendron × sinoamericanum),筛选并获得的异源过表达(LcPIN1a-HO)和同源过表达(LcPIN1a-OE)阳性再生植株,分别进行生长和发育性状的测定和分析。【结果】通过生物信息学方法在鹅掌楸基因组中成功鉴定到了3个PIN1同源蛋白,分别命名为LcPIN1a、LcPIN1b和LcPIN1c。组织特异性表达分析显示,LcPIN1a主要在叶片中高表达,而LcPIN1b和LcPIN1c主要在茎和根以及成年后的雌蕊中高表达。另外,鹅掌楸3个PIN1同源基因均受到低温(4 ℃)和干旱(质量分数15% PEG6000)处理的诱导而表现出先上调后下调的表达模式,但在高温(40 ℃)胁迫下则会急剧下调表达。利用聚乙二醇(PEG)、脱落酸(ABA)以及ABA合成抑制剂氟啶酮(Flu)处理,发现LcPIN1s在响应干旱诱导时表现出不同的模式,即LcPIN1a不依赖于内源ABA的合成,而LcPIN1b和LcPIN1c则依赖于内源ABA的合成。最后,通过对拟南芥异源过表达株系(LcPIN1a-HO)再生植株的生长性状统计分析发现,其在根长和株高方面均显著低于野生型,同时雄蕊数发生显著变异,从野生型的6枚雄蕊变为以5枚为主。在杂交鹅掌楸过表达株系(LcPIN1a-OE)中,其体胚成苗率显著降低,并且成苗后的再生植株在根长和株高方面均显著低于野生型,同时根系结构发生明显变化,主根不明显。【结论】鹅掌楸PIN1蛋白在植株的营养和生殖生长方面发挥重要作用,过量表达不利于植株的正常生长和发育。
郝兆东,马筱筱,王丹丹,等. 鹅掌楸LcPIN1a基因的克隆及其对植株生长发育的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 48(6): 51-61.
HAO Zhaodong, MA Xiaoxiao, WANG Dandan, LU Ye, SHI Jisen, CHEN Jinhui. Cloning of the Liriodendron chinense LcPIN1a genes and its effect on plant growth and development[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2024, 48(6): 51-61.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202404005.
引物名称 primer name | 引物序列 primer sequence | 用途 purpose |
LcPIN1a-vF | gagagaacacgggggactctaga ATGATCACTCTCTCCGACTTC | 过表达 载体构建 |
LcPIN1a-vR | gatcggggaaattcgagctc CAGCCCAAGGAAAATGTAGTAAAC | |
鹅掌楸LcPIN1基因鉴定及其生物信息学分析 a. 系统发育树。外群为小立碗藓(P. patens),bootstrap值只显示高于50%的。Phylogenetic tree.P. patens PIN proteins are set as the outgroup. The bootstrap values less than 50% are not indicated。b. 拟南芥(A. thaliana)、水稻(O. sativa)及鹅掌楸(L. chinense)PIN1同源蛋白的多序列比对,白色箭头分别为F163和Y480,黑色框为TPRXS(N/S)基序。 The multiple sequence alignment of PIN1 proteins from A. thaliana, O. sativa and L. chinense with white boxes representing F163 and Y480 and black boxes representing three TPRXS(N/S) motifs。c—e. 鹅掌楸3个PIN1同源蛋白的跨膜结构预测。 The prediction of transmembrane regions in three Liriodendron PIN1 proteins.PP.小立碗藓Physcomitrium patens;LC. 鹅掌楸Liriodendron chinense; AT.无油樟Amborella trichopoda;PT.毛果杨Populus trichocarpa;VV.葡萄Vitis vinifera;Ath. 拟南芥 Arabidopsis thalianan. OS.水稻Oryza sativa;ZM.玉米Zea mays。"
鹅掌楸LcPIN1基因的组织特异性表达 a. LcPIN1基因的组织特异性表达谱,数值为log2(FPKM+1),颜色从红到蓝代表表达量从高到低。下同。The tissue-specific expression profile of LcPIN1s with the number indicating log2(FPKM+1) and red-blue color representing high-low expression level。The same below. b和c分别为3月龄幼苗和2年生大苗中LcPIN1基因在根、茎、叶组织中的实时荧光定量,每个基因均以根中的表达为对照,组间差异分析用t检验。 b and c represent RT-qPCR results of LcPIN1s in root, stem and leaf tissues of three-month and 2-years-old seedlings. For each gene, the expression level in root is compared as the control and the Student’s t-test is used to evaluate if the difference between the two group means is statistically significant.n.s.差异不显著not significant;*.P <0.05;**.P <0.01;***.P <0.001。下同。The same below."
鹅掌楸LcPIN1基因在低温、干旱和高温胁迫下的动态表达 a—c. LcPIN1基因在低温、干旱和高温胁迫下的时序表达谱,数值为log2(TPM+1)。The time-series expression profile of LcPIN1s with the number indicating log2(TPM+1)。d—f. LcPIN1基因在脱落酸、聚乙二醇以及聚乙二醇和氟啶酮混合处理下的实时荧光定量,每个基因均以0 h即未处理为对照,组间差异分析用t检验。RT-qPCR results of LcPIN1s under ABA, PEG, PEG and fluridone treatments. For each gene, the expression level in 0 h, i.e., non-treatment group, is compared as the control and the Student’s t-test is used to evaluate if the difference between the two group means is statistically significant."
LcPIN1a基因异源过表达对拟南芥营养生长的影响 a. 异源过表达株系中的LcPIN1a基因的实时荧光定量。The RT-qPCR results of LcPIN1a gene in WT and three LcPIN1a-HO lines. b和c. 异源过表达LcPIN1a对拟南芥根生长的影响。The effects of heterologous overexpression of LcPIN1a on root growth in A. thaliana.d—f. 异源过表达LcPIN1a对拟南芥高生长和主茎分枝的影响。The effects of heterologous overexpression of LcPIN1a on height growth and main stem branching in A. thaliana. 白色箭头指向主茎上的分枝。组间差异分析用t检验,每个株系的统计个体数在柱状图底部。下同。The white arrow indicates the branch on the main stem of A. thaliana. The Student’s t-test is used to evaluate if the difference between the two group means is statistically significant. The number of individuals used for statistical analysis is indicated at the bottom of the bar chart. The same below."
LcPIN1a基因异源过表达对拟南芥花器官发育的影响 a. 野生型和LcPIN1a-HO株系的花器官表型对比phenotypic comparison of flower organs between WT and LcPIN1a-HO lines。b和c. 异源过表达LcPIN1a基因对拟南芥雄蕊数目的影响。b图中组间差异分析用t检验,c图中期望比例分析用卡方检验。 The effects of heterologous overexpression of LcPIN1a on the number of stamen in A. thaliana. Student’s t-test and chi-square test are used for statistical analyses in Fig. b and c, respectively. c图柱中深色和浅色分别代表雄蕊数目为6和不为6的植株。Dark and light colors on bar chart represent plantlets with 6 or non-6 stamens, respectively."
LcPIN1a基因过表达对杂交鹅掌楸生长发育的影响 a. 过表达株系中的LcPIN1a基因的实时荧光定量。The RT-qPCR results of LcPIN1a in WT and three LcPIN1a-OE lines.b和c. 过表达LcPIN1a对杂交鹅掌楸体细胞胚胎成苗率的影响。The effects of overexpression of LcPIN1a on regeneration plantlets from mature cotyledon somatic embryo in Liriodendron hybrid. d—g. 过表达LcPIN1a对杂交鹅掌楸幼苗生长发育的影响。组间差异分析用t检验。The effects of overexpression of LcPIN1a on growth and development of seedlings in Liriodendron hybrid. The Student’s t-test is used to evaluate if the difference between the two group means is statistically significant."
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