南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2016, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (06): 47-55.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2016.06.008

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛 霞,刘晶晶,李晓春,秦 健,洑香香*   

  1. 南方现代林业协同创新中心,南京林业大学林学院,江苏 南京 210037
  • 出版日期:2016-12-18 发布日期:2016-12-18
  • 基金资助:
    基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31470637,31270673); 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)
    第一作者:毛霞(931955251@qq.com),主要负责溧阳陶峰开花物候期调查以及相关内容写作; 刘晶晶(287017798@qq.com),主要负责安徽红琊山开花物候期调查以及实验数据的整理。
    引文格式:毛霞,刘晶晶,李晓春,等. 雌雄异型异熟青钱柳幼龄林开花习性及交配系统分析[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(6):47-55.

Flowering biological characteristics and mating system in immature plantations of heterodichogamous Cyclocarya paliurus

MAO Xia, LIU Jingjing, LI Xiaochun, QIN Jian, FU Xiangxiang*   

  1. Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2016-12-18 Published:2016-12-18

摘要: 青钱柳为典型的雌雄异型异熟树种,包括雌花先熟个体(雌先型,PG)和雄花先熟个体(雄先型, PA)两种交配型。同一交配型内雌雄花期错开而交配型间雌雄花同步的开花生物学特性可能对青钱柳种子产量和质量有重要影响。为了解青钱柳群体的交配系统,对江苏溧阳陶峰和安徽红琊山林场的7年生青钱柳人工林群体进行了连续2 a花期物候学观测,包括林分中交配型的比例、不同交配型的雌雄开花顺序、开花持续时间及花期相遇特点。结果表明:受环境条件的影响,青钱柳花期为4月下旬至5月下旬,有一定波动; 雌、雄花期持续时间分别为9~19 d(最长21 d)和2~9 d。在人工林幼龄群体中,开花植株有2类共5种表现型,其中两性植株包括雌先型(PG)、雄先型(PA)和同步型(SC),单性植株包括雌株(F)和雄株(M); 观察发现幼林群体中雌株居多,两性植株比例较小。2015年溧阳陶峰青钱柳人工林中开花率达到73.2%,两性植株占28.8%,PA和PG比例1:1.2; 而红琊山林场的开花率仅为38.6%,其中16.7%为两性植株,PG比例较高。连续2 a的定株观察还表明:开花表现型的变化主要为单性植株转变为两性植株; PA和PG表达稳定,极少发生逆转; 两性植株中,有52.2%的植株上雌、雄花期完全错开,而47.8%的植株上雌、雄花花期有部分(少量全部)重叠。相关分析表明,开花状况与母树胸高断面积显著相关,显著性大小顺序为雌先型﹥雄先型﹥雄株﹥雌株﹥未开花植株。多重比较表明:两性植株的平均胸高断面积与单性植株、未开花植株差异显著; 开花植株中雌先型、雄先型和雄株平均胸高断面积差异不显著,但三者与雌株存在显著差异。由此推测青钱柳开花与否和开花表现型明显受植株营养积累的影响。

Abstract: Cyclocarya paliurus is a typical heterodichogamous species which contains two mating types in populations: protogyny(PG)and protandry(PA). Flowering phenology of female and male functions segregation within PA or PG, and synchronization between PA and PG may greatly affect seed quantity and quality for C. paliurus population. To determine the sex-expression of C. paliurus, we monitored flowering phenology for 2 years(2014 and 2015), including the ratio of flowering phenotypes, the flowering order of male and female inter and intra two mating types, flowering duration and flowering overlapping characteristics based on 7-year plantations growing in Taofeng in Liyang city of Jiangsu Province and Hongyashan Forest Farm Anhui Province. The results showed that flowering period of C. paliurus was from late April to late May, with fluctuation by changing of environmental factors. Duration of stigma receptiveness and pollen shedding lasted 9-19 days(with the longest period of 21 days)and 2-9 days, respectively. There were two categories, five flowering phenotypes in immature plantation: monoecious types containing protogyny(PG), protandry(PA)and synchrony(SC); unisexual type including female(F)and male(M). The phenomenon that the majority was female individuals and less was monoecious plants were found through observations of two plantations. In 2015, flowering rate in Taofeng of Liyang city was up to 73.2%, of which 28.8% individuals were monoecious plants, with the ratio of 1:1.2 for PA and PG. However, flowering rate in Hongyashan Farm was only 38.6%, of which 16.7% individuals were monoecious flowering phenotype, bias to PG. It was found by two consecutive years' observations that the changes in mating category occurred mainly from unisexual to monoecious types; the expressions of PA and PG individuals were stable, and inverse changes were very few. Within monoecious type, 52.2% individuals whose female and male flowering time were completely separated, and 47.8% individuals were partly(rarely completely)overlapping. The results of correlation analysis showed the expression of flowering was significantly influenced by growth condition of plants. The rank of flowering phenotypes based on average basal area is PG>PA >M >F >non-flowering. The results of Duncan's multiple comparisons showed the average basal area of monoecious types were significantly different from unisexual ones. Among flowering category, no significant difference for average basal area was found among PG, PA and M types. However, significant difference occurred between F type and three types(PG, PA and M types). It seemed that flowering or not, and flowering phenotype obviously affected by nutrient accumulation of plants.
