南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1985, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (01): 1-11.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1985.01.002

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林产工业学院林学系;南京林产工业学院基础课部
  • 出版日期:1985-03-18 发布日期:1985-02-18


Hsiung(Xiong) Wenyue Zhou Jinwen(Department of Forestry)   

  1. Faculty of Basic Courses
  • Online:1985-03-18 Published:1985-02-18

摘要: <正>按系统工程的原理和方法,调整生态系统组成成分的空间位置、时间顺序、数量比例,进行仿真模拟、分析评价,提出结构优化、功能高效、生产力高的生态系统方案,这种方案的设计和实施,我们称之为生态系统工程。 生态环境中的物质和能量是外源的,而生理代谢活动则在生物体内进行,所耗的物质和能量是内源的。生物的生命活动就是把外源的物能转变为内源的物能,又把内源的物能转变为外源的物能。这种生物与非生物环境之间的物质交换、能量流动和信息传递,我们称之为生态界面系统运动。生态界面可认为具有“过滤选择”作用的系统,它的运动受制于生物的适应活力和环境的适宜程度,表明了生物与环境的基本联系,反映了生态系统运动本质。所以不论是设计人工生态系统或改造自然生态系统,都必须了解生态界面系统的性质和功能及其与熵变和信息传递的关系。

Abstract: By using the principles and methods of system engineering, components of an ecosystem can be readjusted in terms of their space position, time order and numerical proportion so that more material exchange, energy flow and information transmission may result and thus an ecosystem of orderly structure, effective function and high productivity can be artificially secured. Projects that deal with such work are called ecosystem engineering.Nutritional materials and energy existing in the environment are external and those consumed by organisms in their physiological metabolism are of the internals. Life process of organisms is to convert external materials and energy into internal materials and energy and the internals into the externals. These input and output exchanges between a bio-system and its a biotic surroundings can be termed dynamic movement of "eco-boundary" which is characterized by the action of "selctive filtra; tion" and regulated by the adaptative vitality of organisms and the fitness of envis ronmental conditions. Since an eco-boundary system governs the fundamental relationship between organisms and the surroundings where they inhabit, it is essential to understand the characteristics and functions of eco-boundary systems and their relations to entropy and information transmission when constructing an artificial ecosystem or reforming a natural ecosystem.