南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (04): 62-66.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.04.013

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院,江苏南京210037;2.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400; 3.安徽省滁州市南谯区林业局,安徽滁州239000
  • 出版日期:2009-08-18 发布日期:2009-08-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2008-12-04修回日期:2009-04-12基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目(2005-4-44); 国家公益性行业科研专项(200704034); 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划(2006BAD03A160101);江苏省普通高校研究生创新计划(2007)作者简介:刘志龙(1982— ),博士生。*方升佐(通讯作者),教授,研究方向为人工林定向培育技术。Email: fangsz@njfu.edu.cn。引文格式:刘志龙,虞木奎,方升佐,等. 江淮丘陵地区麻栎人工林地上部分能量现存量研究

Study on aboveground standing crop of energy of Quercus acutissima plantation in Jianghuai hilly region

LIU Zhilong1,2, YU Mukui2, FANG Shengzuo1*,TANG Luozhong1, DING Borang3, ZHANG Chunxiang3, CAO Yida1   

  1. 1.College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2. Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, CAF, Fuyang 311400, China; 3.Forestry Bureau of Nanqiao Area in Chuzhou City Anhui Province, Chuzhou 239000, China
  • Online:2009-08-18 Published:2009-08-18

摘要: 对江淮丘陵地区麻栎(Quercus acutissima Carr.)人工林地上部各组分干质量热值、去灰分热值、灰分含量、能量现存量的积累、结构和分配特征进行了研究。结果表明:各组分的干质量热值、去灰分热值和灰分含量存在显著差异,干质量热值由大到小依次为:叶片、树皮、树干、枝条,去灰分热值由大到小为:叶片、树皮、树干、枝条,灰分含量由大到小为:叶片、树皮、枝条、树干;萌芽更新林分能量现存量高于植苗更新林分,林分能量现存量随林龄和密度的增大而不断增加,到一定林龄后,又随林分的密度增加而减小;各组分能量现存量的比例顺序保持不变,由大到小为:树干、枝条、叶片,树干的比例随树龄的增大不断增加,枝叶的比例表现为前期叶片比例大于枝条,后期则相反。

Abstract: Gross caloric value, ash free caloric value, ash content and the distribution of energy accumulation of aboveground of Quercus acutissima plantations were studied in Jianghuai region. The results showed that there was significant difference in gross caloric value, ash free caloric value and ash content of different components, the gross caloric value in the components was as follow: leaf, bark, stem, branch,ash free caloric value was leaf, bark, stem, branch and ash content was leaf, bark, branch, stem. Energy accumulation of regeneration by sprout better than afforestation by planting, with the increase of the density and stand age, the amount of energy accumulation increased, but after a specific stand age, it decreased along with increment in stand density. The distribution pattern of different components was stem, branch, leaf, the proportion of stem was increased with increment in stand age, on the contrary to anaphase, the proportion of leaf is bigger than that of branch in prophase.
