南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 67-77.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201912029
陈炜1(), 成铁龙2, 纪敬1, 武妍妍1, 谢田田1, 江泽平3, 史胜青1,*(
CHEN Wei1(), CHENG Tielong2, JI Jing1, WU Yanyan1, XIE Tiantian1, JIANG Zeping3, SHI Shengqing1,*(
SHI Shengqing
【目的】 γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)与植物的生长发育有着密切的联系。结合前期对GABA抑制杨树不定根发育的研究,对GABA支路基因家族的特征和表达模式进行研究,为进一步解释其在不定根发育中的作用奠定基础。【方法】从银白杨(Populus alba)×P. glandulosa ‘84K’(‘84K’杨)基因组中鉴定出GABA支路的PopGAD、PopGABA-T和PopSSADH 3个基因家族成员,并利用生物信息学方法分析其特征,以及与其他物种相关基因家族的亲缘关系;利用qRT-PCR研究外源GABA及其降解抑制剂vigabatrin(VGB)对各基因表达的影响。【结果】①PopGAD、PopGABA-T和PopSSADH 3个基因家族成员数量依次为6、2和2个,启动子序列中主要包含与光、激素和环境等响应相关元件。②系统进化分析表明,PopGAD家族中PopGAD6与家族其他成员亲缘关系较远;PopGABA-T和PopSSADH家族中的两个基因成员亲缘关系较近。③基因表达分析表明,不定根生长过程中GABA支路基因总体上在根中表达量高于茎和叶。外源GABA或VGB处理对PopGAD和PopGABA-T两个基因家族成员在根、茎和叶中的表达量影响程度不同,但对 PopSSADH基因家族的表达则无明显影响。【结论】 GABA支路3个基因家族在‘84K’杨树响应光、激素和环境胁迫等方面具有重要作用。外源GABA和VGB处理对PopGAD和PopGABA-T家族成员的影响较大,并且均在根中表达量最高,表明这两个基因家族在不定根生长过程中发挥着重要调控功能。这为深入解析GABA在树木不定根发生中的作用机制奠定了基础。
陈炜,成铁龙,纪敬,等. 杨树GABA支路3个基因家族的鉴定和表达分析[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 44(5): 67-77.
CHEN Wei, CHENG Tielong, JI Jing, WU Yanyan, XIE Tiantian, JIANG Zeping, SHI Shengqing. Identification of three gene families in the GABA shunt and their expression analysis in poplar[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 44(5): 67-77.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201912029.
基因 genes | 基因ID gene ID | 上游引物(5'—3') primer sequence F (5' to 3') | 下游引物(5'—3') primer sequence R (5' to 3') |
名称 name | 基因ID gene ID | 编码区大小/bp CDS size | 氨基酸长度/aa length | 氨基酸分子质量/ku molecular weight | 等电点 pI |
PopGAD1 | Pop_G17G072900.T1 | 1 203 | 400 | 45.37 | 5.80 |
PopGAD2 | Pop_G04G066512.T1 | 1 530 | 509 | 57.61 | 6.18 |
PopGAD3 | Pop_G04G066513.T1 | 1 446 | 481 | 54.45 | 5.84 |
PopGAD4 | Pop_G10G001568.T1 | 1 530 | 509 | 57.37 | 5.76 |
PopGAD5 | Pop_G08G046378.T1 | 1 527 | 508 | 57.34 | 6.08 |
PopGAD6 | Pop_G12G050713.T1 | 1 506 | 501 | 56.53 | 5.60 |
PopGABA-T1 | Pop_G16G025220.T1 | 1 545 | 514 | 56.52 | 6.58 |
PopGABA-T2 | Pop_G06G082070.T1 | 1 545 | 514 | 56.52 | 8.26 |
PopSSADH1 | Pop_G10G047758.T1 | 1 611 | 536 | 57.51 | 8.46 |
PopSSADH2 | Pop_A08G063613.T1 | 456 | 151 | 15.90 | 8.09 |
杨树GABA支路3个基因家族成员基因结构和基序分析 a.基因结构(黄色表示外显子,黑线表示内含子,蓝色表示上下游非编码区 gene structure (exons were represented in yellow, introns were represented by black lines, and non-coding sequences in the upstream and downstream were represented in blue); b.保守基序分布conserved motif distribution; c.保守基序序列conserved motif sequence."
杨树GABA支路3个基因家族成员启动子分析与系统发育树 小立陶宛藓Physomitrella patens:PpGAD1. Pp3c2_9290V3.1; PpGAD2. Pp3c8_7810V3.1; PpGAD3. Pp3c14_21530V3.1; PpGAD4. Pp3c17_22200V3.1; PpGAD5. Pp3c23_8800V3.1; PpGABA-T1. Pp3c1_32910V3.1; PpGABA-T2. Pp3c6_25350V3.1, PpGABA-T3. Pp3s30_720V3.1; PpSSADH1. Pp3c1_16240V3.1; PpSSADH2. Pp3c6_25370V3.1; PpSSADH3. Pp3c6_27580V3.1; PpSSADH4. Pp3c26_10958V3.1; PpSSADH5. Pp3c26_10950V3.1.大豆Clycine max:GmGAD1. Glyma.02G241400.1; GmGAD2. Glyma.05G136100.1; GmGAD3. Glyma.08G091300.1; GmGAD4. Glyma.08G091400.1; GmGAD5. Glyma.08G091500.1; GmGAD6. Glyma.09G168900.1; GmGAD7. Glyma.11G213000.1; GmGAD8. Glyma.14G211100.1; GmGAD9. Glyma.18G043600.1; GmGABA-T1. Glyma.03G057900.1; GmGABA-T2. Glyma.11G096200.1; GmGABA-T3. Glyma.12G022300.1; GmSSADH1. Glyma.03G052700.1; GmSSADH2. Glyma.08G163700.1; GmSSADH3. Glyma.14G091500.1; GmSSADH4. Glyma.15G263500.1.二穗短柄草Brachypodium distallyan:BdGAD1. Bradi1g10480.1; BdGAD2. Bradi1g68807.2; BdGAD3. Bradi3g37830.1; BdGAD4. Bradi5g11600.1; BdGAD5. Bradi5g11640.1;BdGABA-T1. Bradi2g31220.1; BdGABA-T2. Bradi3g17762.2; BdGABA-T3. Bradi5g21710.1; BdSSADH1. Bradi3g05490.1.拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana:AtGAD1. AT1G65960.2; AtGAD2. AT2G02000.1; AtGAD3. AT2G02010.1; AtGAD4. AT3G17720.1; AtGAD5. AT3G17760.1; AtGAD6. AT5G17330.1; AtGABA-T. AT3G22200.2; AtSSADH. AT1G79440.1.葡萄Vitis vinifera:VvGAD1. GSVIVT01000391001; VvGAD2. GSVIVT01011564001; VvGAD3. GSVIVT01011565001; VvGAD4. GSVIVT01035247001; VvGABA-T1. GSVIVT01015824001; VvGABA-T2. GSVIVT01015821001; VvSSADH1. GSVIVT01036719001; VvSSADH2. GSVIVT01036721001; VvSSADH3. GSVIVT01036720001.水稻Oryza sativa:OsGAD1. LOC_Os03g13300.1; OsGAD2. LOC_Os03g51080.1; OsGAD3. LOC_Os04g37460.1; OsGAD4. LOC_Os04g37500.1; OsGAD5. LOC_Os05g34840.1; OsGAD6. LOC_Os08g36320.1; OsGABA-T1. LOC_Os02g02210.1; OsGABA-T2. LOC_Os04g52440.1; OsGABA-T3. LOC_Os04g52450.1; OsGABA-T4. LOC_Os08g10510.1; OsSSADH. LOC_Os02g07760.1.无油樟Amborella trichopoda:AmtGAD1. evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00024.92, AmtGAD2. evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00024.94; AmtGAD3. evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00024.104; AmtGABA-T1. evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00062.203; AmtSSADH. evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00004.211.栎树Quercus suber:QsGAD1. QsXM_024015833.1; QsGAD2. QsXM_024017178.1; QsGAD3. QsXM_024036669.1; QsGAD4. QsXM_024058854.1; QsGAD5. QsXM_024058855.1;QsGAD6. QsXM_024071398.1; QsGABA-T. QsXM_024014727.1; QsSSADH1. QsXM_024041909.1; QsSSADH2. QsXM_024015053.1.板栗Custanea mollissima:CmGAD1. BUA.CMHBY200840; CmGAD2. BUA.CMHBY206641; CmGAD3. BUA.CMHBY207328; CmGAD4. BUA.CMHBY210167; CmGAD5. BUA.CMHBY217485; CmGABA-T. BUA.CMHBY206018; CmSSADH. BUA.CMHBY202309.毛果杨Populus trichcarpa:PtGAD1. Potri.T059200.1; PtGAD2. Potri.004G075200.1; PtGAD3. Potri.004G075300.1; PtGAD4. Potri.010G100500.1; PtGAD5. Potri.008G141100.1, PtGAD6. Potri.012G039000.1; PtGABA-T1. Potri.016G018500.1; PtGABA-T2. Potri.006G020900.1; PtSSADH1. Potri.010G174000.1; PtSSADH2. Potri.008G081900.1. 注: .杨树基因the gene of poplar.板栗基因序列号来自NCBI,其余基因序列号均来自phytozom。The chestnut gene sequence number is from NCBI, and the rest of the gene sequence numbers are from phytozome. "
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