南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (03): 10-.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2011.03.011

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  1. 1.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400;2 福建省邵武市林业科技推广中心,福建邵武354000
  • 出版日期:2011-06-13 发布日期:2011-06-13
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-05-07修回日期:2010-11-04基金项目:中央科研院所基金项目(RISF6808);浙江省重大科技专项(2008C02004-2);福建省林业科研项目(闽林科2010-4)作者简介:刘军(1977—),博士。Email:liujunyalin@sohu.com。引文格式:刘军,张海燕,姜景民,等. 毛红椿种实和苗期生长性状地理种源变异[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2011,35(3):55-59.

Geographic variation of seed/fruit and seedling growing traits in Toona ciliata var pubescens

LIU Jun1, ZHANG Haiyan2, JIANG Jingmin1, CHEN Yitai1, CAO Yongkang2, JIANG Rongbo1, KONG Chao1   

  1. 1Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, CAF, Fuyang 311400,China;2 Shaowu Forestry Science andTechnology Extension Center of Fujian Province, Shaowu 354000, China
  • Online:2011-06-13 Published:2011-06-13

摘要: 为系统揭示毛红椿种实和苗期生长性状地理种源变异规律,对其天然分布区内的13个种源果质量、果长等11个表型性状和苗高、地径等2个生长性状进行分析。结果表明:毛红椿种实表型性状在种源间的差异达到极显著水平, 13个种源中,来自分布区南部和西部种源的果实和种子性状大小明显高于分布区北部和东部种源。无霜期和海拔是影响毛红椿种实大小的主要因素。毛红椿的苗高和地径在不同种源间有显著差异,且受中等以上遗传力控制。毛红椿种源的地径生长与产地纬度呈极显著的负相关,种源地径的变异模式为纬度渐变型。以苗高为标准对毛红椿优良种源进行初选,可初选出浙江遂昌、湖南新宁、江西赣州、安徽黄山、福建南靖等5个优良种源。

Abstract: Toona ciliata var. pubescens is a deciduous, broadleaved, fast growing tree species belonging to Toona genus Meliaceae. It is a valuable tree species, and has high economic values and developing foreground. In order to investigate geographic variation of seed/fruit and seedling growing traits, experimental samples from thirteen provenances of Toona ciliata var. pubescens were studied. We analyzed 11 seed/fruit phenotypic traits, seedling height and base diameter. It was found that phenotypic traits among provenances were significantly different. The size of seed and fruit from south and west distribution zone was larger than those from north and east distribution zone. The frost free period and altitude were the main factors that affected the size of seed and fruit. Differences of seedling height,base diameter were significant. Broad heritability of two seedling traits was above the moderate. The base diameter was significant negative related to latitude of provenance. Latitude variation pattern was found for the base diameter. Five provenances that grew fast were selected for experiments and popularization.
