南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 163-170.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202007009
董一桥1(), 刘倩倩1, 彭孝楠1, 翁泽宇1, 刘鑫1, 徐海兵2, 戴康龙2, 董丽娜2, 张金池1,*(
DONG Yiqiao1(), LIU Qianqian1, PENG Xiaonan1, WENG Zeyu1, LIU Xin1, XU Haibing2, DAI Kanglong2, DONG Lina2, ZHANG Jinchi1,*(
ZHANG Jinchi
董一桥,刘倩倩,彭孝楠,等. 人为践踏对南京紫金山天然次生林土壤渗透性的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 46(1): 163-170.
DONG Yiqiao, LIU Qianqian, PENG Xiaonan, WENG Zeyu, LIU Xin, XU Haibing, DAI Kanglong, DONG Lina, ZHANG Jinchi. Effect of human trampling on soil infiltration of natural secondary forest in Zijin Mountain, Nanjing[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2022, 46(1): 163-170.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202007009.
试验区 test area | 样点 sampling point | 践踏强度 trample intensity | 海拔/m altitude | 经纬度 longitude and latitude | 坡度/ (°) slope | 土壤类型 soil type | 主要灌草植物 main shrub grass species |
头陀岭 Toutuoling | CK1 | 无践踏 | 334 | E118°50'82.40″,N32°04'43.22″ | 20 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草 |
1 | LT | 408 | E118°50'92.93″,N32°04'17.52″ | 21 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草 | |
2 | MT | 382 | E118°50'66.92″,N32°04'24.94″ | 18 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草、悬钩子 | |
3 | MST | 376 | E118°50'79.28″,N32°04'18.61″ | 23 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草 | |
4 | ST | 373 | E118°50'63.32″,N32°04'18.18″ | 17 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草悬钩子 | |
5 | ET | 315 | E118°50'64.60″,N32°04'33.67″ | 22 | 黄棕壤 | 野芝麻、沿阶草 | |
蒋王庙 Jiangwangmiao | CK2 | 无践踏 | 92 | E118°50'13.36″,N32°04'54.29″ | 15 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬 |
6 | LT | 81 | E118°50'15.68″,N32°04'62.36″ | 14 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬、紫苏 | |
7 | MT | 168 | E118°50'25.08″,N32°04'38.25″ | 18 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬 | |
8 | MST | 113 | E118°50'15.17″,N32°04'42.62″ | 17 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬、紫苏 | |
9 | ST | 32 | E118°49'98.69″,N32°04'55.05″ | 16 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬 | |
10 | ET | 51 | E118°50'06.92″,N32°04'49.70″ | 17 | 黄棕壤 | 蓬蘽、山麦冬 |
试验区 test area | 践踏强度 trample intensity | 土壤容重/ (g·cm-3) soil bulk density | 总孔隙度/% total porosity | 毛管孔隙度/% capillary porosity | 非毛管 孔隙度/% non-capillary porosity | 饱和含水量/ (g·kg-1) saturated moisture content | 毛管含水量/ (g·kg-1) capillary water content | 田间持水量/ (g·kg-1) field capacity |
头陀岭 Toutuoling | 无践踏 | 0.80±0.07 a | 69.90±1.71 a | 56.48±0.77 a | 13.42±1.16 a | 872.46±57.57 a | 706.46±45.96 a | 412.19±39.41 a |
LT | 1.05±0.06 b | 60.52±3.65 bc | 50.94±1.45 b | 11.58±2.10 ab | 575.49±42.58 b | 485.64±38.12 b | 289.71±37.66 b | |
MT | 1.08±0.01 b | 59.67±4.25 bc | 49.63±2.13 bc | 10.04±1.62 ab | 548.18±49.87 b | 459.17±24.78 b | 353.07±55.42 ab | |
MST | 1.26±0.03 c | 52.49±3.58 bc | 44.53±1.53 c | 7.96±0.75 b | 416.91±36.54 bc | 353.84±37.35 bc | 317.07±47.54 ab | |
ST | 1.22±0.05 c | 53.86±2.48 bc | 44.31±2.43 c | 9.55±2.73 ab | 442.45±42.51 bc | 363.15±38.98 bc | 295.53±22.75 b | |
ET | 1.30±0.07 c | 51.07±1.54 c | 44.51±1.64 c | 6.56±1.69 bc | 391.51±33.68 c | 342.98±41.34 c | 282.14±14.87 b | |
蒋王庙 Jiangwangmiao | 无践踏 | 0.82±0.09 a | 69.57±0.84 a | 55.62±1.85 a | 13.95±1.68 a | 842.78±47.53 a | 678.38±34.51 a | 398.03±43.95 a |
LT | 1.11±0.06 b | 58.57±0.72 ab | 48.16±2.12 b | 10.41±2.36 ab | 523.47±15.57 ab | 433.68±29.38 b | 304.95±28.99 b | |
MT | 1.16±0.15 bc | 56.78±2.81 bc | 47.40±1.39 b | 9.38±1.27 b | 484.43±13.25 b | 408.36±40.04 bc | 301.35±23.16 b | |
MST | 1.28±0.01 cd | 51.49±2.21 bc | 43.88±2.14 bc | 7.61±0.98 bc | 403.16±23.47 bc | 342.36±35.06 bc | 293.85±27.62 bc | |
ST | 1.26±0.03 cd | 52.81±1.83 bc | 46.56±1.95 bc | 6.25±1.25 c | 416.97±19.45 bc | 369.76±37.16 bc | 304.65±18.42 b | |
ET | 1.36±0.03 d | 48.98±2.76 c | 43.13±1.69 c | 5.85±1.09 c | 357.53±11.24 c | 317.93±35.13 c | 274.32±26.57 c |
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