南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 192-202.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202207036
张晓迪(), 李明泽(
), 王斌, 吴泽川, 莫祝坤, 范仲洲
ZHANG Xiaodi(), LI Mingze(
), WANG Bin, WU Zechuan, MO Zhukun, FAN Zhongzhou
张晓迪,李明泽,王斌,等. 基于红外序列图像的火线实时提取及蔓延模拟火线优化[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 47(6): 192-202.
ZHANG Xiaodi, LI Mingze, WANG Bin, WU Zechuan, MO Zhukun, FAN Zhongzhou. Real-time extraction of fire line and optimization of spread simulation fire line based on infrared sequence images[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2023, 47(6): 192-202.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202207036.
3个红外图像与2 s的间隔和火线位置计算 a)11:13:40拍摄的红外图像the infrared images captured at 11:13:40;b)11:13:42拍摄的红外图像the infrared images captured at 11:13:42;c)11:13:44拍摄的红外图像the infrared images captured at 11:13:44;d)使用透视变换从红外图像计算火线位置fire line positions computed from infrared images using perspective transformation。"
变量 variable | 蔓延速度 spread rate | 偏相关系数 partial correlation coefficient |
风速 wind speed | 0.863** | 0.919 |
温度 temperature | 0.507** | 0.615 |
相对湿度 relative humidity | -0.422 | 0.641 |
载量 loads | -0.113** | 0.233 |
可燃物厚度 fuel thickness | -0.558** | -0.352 |
可燃物面积 area of fuel | -0.828** | 0.635 |
坡度 slope | 0.417** | 0.480 |
含水率 moisture content | -0.737** | -0.682 |
点烧实验 model name | 实验时间/s experimental time | Kappa系数 Kappa coefficient | PT/% | S/% | F/% |
50 | 0.763 0 | 78.50 | 76.50 | 79.61 | |
室内 indoor | 210 | 0.802 8 | 76.60 | 81.32 | 78.61 |
400 | 0.847 1 | 82.67 | 77.44 | 79.12 | |
50 | 0.832 4 | 87.66 | 79.15 | 85.15 | |
室外 outdoor | 125 | 0.810 3 | 83.50 | 83.28 | 80.73 |
300 | 0.854 0 | 84.30 | 84.51 | 82.66 |
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