JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 127-134.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202101035
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CHEN Longsheng1(), MEI Li2,*(
), CHEN Yongzhong1, ZHAO Zeyao2, XU Yanming1, ZHANG Zhen1, HU Yajun3, LIU Caixia1, SU Yirong3
CLC Number:
CHEN Longsheng, MEI Li, CHEN Yongzhong, ZHAO Zeyao, XU Yanming, ZHANG Zhen, HU Yajun, LIU Caixia, SU Yirong. Effects of interplanting herbage on surface runoff associated with nitrogen and phosphorus losses in Camellia oleifera plantations[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(6): 127-134.
Table 2
Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus contents under different treatments"
处理 treatment | 有机质含量/ (g·kg-1) organic matter content | 全氮含量/ (g·kg-1) total nitrogen content | 全磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) total phosphorus content |
CK | 8.25±0.88 a | 0.96±0.14 a | 286.47±36.17 b |
T1 | 10.12±1.06 a | 1.08±0.09 a | 359.78±36.32 ab |
T2 | 9.24±1.96 a | 1.01±0.22 a | 419.64±31.40 a |
Table 3
Total surface runoff, nitrogen and phosphorus losses in each treatment"
处理 treatment | 总地表径流量/ (m3·hm-2) total surface runoff | 总土壤侵蚀量/ (kg·hm-2) total soil erosion amount | 溶解态氮浓度/ (μmol·L-1) DN concentration | 溶解态磷浓度/ (μmol·L-1) DP concentration | 溶解态氮流失量/ (g·hm-2) DN loss | 溶解态磷流失量/ (g·hm-2) DP loss |
CK | 31.41±0.48 a | 359.77±4.92 a | 152.62±9.08 a | 24.77±1.70 a | 78.98±2.79 a | 19.74±0.94 a |
T1 | 20.40±0.60 b | 57.93±1.76 c | 145.60±10.94 a | 20.70±1.56 b | 57.92±4.20 b | 7.29±0.53 c |
T2 | 20.87±0.35 b | 72.50±1.06 b | 160.76±10.54 a | 20.51±1.52 b | 62.00±1.93 b | 9.76±0.88 b |
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