Guide for Authors

    Guide for Authors

             Guide for Authors

    Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Natural sciences Edition)JNFU publishes original research articles and reviews in the fields of Biology, Soil Science, Basic Theory of Forestry, Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Forest Management, Forest Protection, Water and Soil Conservation and Desertification Control, Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture, and related research results.

    1 Preparation

    1.1 Online Submission Manuscripts submitted to JNFU must be submitted through our web-based submission system Submissions by email will not be accepted. Author Login By submitting a paper for publication in JNFU, the authors imply that the material has not been published previously and is not under active consideration elsewhere.

    1.2 Declaration and Verification Files There are some essential declaration and verification files need to be submitted  Copyright Transfer Agreement .  

    2. Criteria and Precautions

    (1) Overall requirements: Articles should be creative, scientific, readable and practical. There must be authentic information, explicit arguments, a clear hierarchy, and reliable data. Please perform statistical processing when necessary. The sentences should be concise.

    (2) Title: The title should concisely and accurately reflect the theme of the article and should not exceed 20 Chinese characters. Abbreviations should be avoided.

    (3) Authorship: Each author of the manuscript should be the creator or designer of the academic content of the essay or a drafter. They should be able to make amendments according to the comments from the reviewers and editors or to attend to the defense of the paper’s content in the academic community. Individuals with direct involvement in the study but not included as authors may be acknowledged. The authors may be sorted according to their contributions, and the organization of the authors should be indicated. If the authors belong to different organizations, use a superscripted 1, 2, or 3 after the authors’ names to indicate the corresponding organizations. The postcode and the name of the city of the organization and the professional title, degree, and email address of the corresponding author and the first author should be indicated.

    (4) Number of words: Commentary, basic research, clinical study and review articles should not exceed 15 000 words, including English abstracts, figures, tables and references.

    (5) Funding: If the study was funded by national, departmental or provincial projects or research projects, the name and the number of the funding projects should be indicated, and a copy of the approval document (certificate) of the funding projects should be attached. Such studies have priority to be accepted by the journal.

    (6) Abstract: The abstract of original studies should have approximately 500-800 words and should summarize the content of the article under the subheadings “Objectives,” “Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusions.” The abstract of reviews should have approximately 300 words.

    (8) Key words: More than five key words best reflecting the theme and content of the manuscript should be selected, and they should conform to.

    (9) English items: The title, author names (including corresponding author), organization names, addresses, postcodes, abstract, figure legends, and table titles in English should correspond with those in Chinese. The first three authors should be listed; “et al.” can be added to represent more than three authors.

    10Introduction Introduction state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

    11Material and method : Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher.

    12Results: Results should be clear and concise.

    13Discussion and Conclusions: Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.

    (14) Abbreviations: The full Chinese word should be indicated when a term not publicly known appears for the first time, followed by the full English name and abbreviation in parentheses.

    (15) Figures and tables: Each figure and table needs a full concise heading. Three-line tables in white ink or computer-printed should be used. Images must be original files or digital images over 300 dpi.  Please avoid the repetition of information among text, figures and tables.

     (16) References: References should be from official, recent publications. They should be presented in the order of their appearance and should be formatted in the style shown below. They must be consistent with the citations in the manuscript. Authors should avoid citing secondary literature and abstracts.

    Examples of the reference format:

    [Journal] Authors. Title. Journal, year, vol (issue): start page-end page.

    [Book] Authors. Title. Edition (omitted when first edition). Location: publisher, year. Start page-end page.

    [Study from a book]. Title of original paper/Authors of original paper. Title of book. Edition (omitted when first edition). Location: publisher, year. Start page-end page.

    (17) Foreign symbols: Foreign symbols should be in the correct format, including upper or lower case and normal, italicized, superscripted, or subscripted text.

    (18) Contact: The department of the organization of the authors, address for correspondence, postcode, phone number, fax number and email address should be listed in detail.

    3. Submission processing and publishing fees

    (1) Papers should be submitted via the “author submission system” on the journal’s service platform. Authors will be notified of the decision within 3 months and can check the status of the submission through the system.

    (2) The editorial office will contact the corresponding author, first author, or contact person notified by the first author (or second author) regarding matters related to the manuscript.

    (3) The original manuscript should be kept by the authors as the submitted manuscript will not be returned.

    (4) Authors are responsible for their own manuscript. According to “Copyright Law,” the journal has the right to make amendments to the manuscript within the stated provisions. In the case of any modifications involving the original meaning, the journal will ask for suggestions from the author. If it is not possible for the authors to submit a revised manuscript within 3 months, the journal will consider the paper a new submission.

    (5) Upon acceptance, the authors should send a digital copy of the document for timely publication, and the paper to be published shall be charged with the page fee according to the relevant regulations. The charging standard is: 400 yuan / page(in publication format); if there are color plates and color pictures, an additional 800 yuan / page color plate fee will be charged.

    (6) The authors will be provided 2 issues of the journal after publication of the accepted paper. The authors should contact the editorial office if additional issues are needed.

    (7) The authors should inform the journal of any awards related to the paper or study.

    (8) The authors should notify the editorial office before submission to any another journal.

    (9) To adapt to the domestic construction of informatization and to expand the channels of communication between the journal and the authors, the journal has been included in a number of databases. The copyright fee of the article and the royalties will be one-time payments. Statistically analyzed data regarding article citations will be provided to the authors freely. If the authors refuse to allow the article to be included in the databases, the authors should provide a statement when submitting the manuscript, and the journal will make appropriate arrangements.

    (10) All accepted manuscripts will be published in paper, e-journal, or CD-ROM format or in databases.

    (11) Once the article has been published, the editorial office has the right to the exclusive use of the article.

    (12) Address of the editorial office: 159 Long Pan Road, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China
    Editorial Board of Journal Of Nanjing Forestry University
    (210037 南京市龙蟠路159号《南京林业大学学报》编辑部)

  • 2024-02-24 Visited: 56833