JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 145-153.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202003087
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YANG Ruizhen(), ZHANG Huanchao*(
), HU Lihuang, FAN Zhixin
ZHANG Huanchao;
CLC Number:
YANG Ruizhen, ZHANG Huanchao, HU Lihuang, FAN Zhixin. Effects of AMF inoculation and nitrogen application on nitrogen mineralization of coastal saline soil[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(2): 145-153.
Table 1
The main physical and chemical properties of potted soil after three months"
处理 treatments | 全氮含量/ (g·kg-1) total N content | 有机质含量/ (g·kg-1) soil organic matter content | 含水率/% water content | 电导率/ (μS·cm-1) conductivity | pH |
N0- | 0.78±0.03 | 11.65±0.45 | 12.58±0.88 | 293.33±2.05 | 8.68±0.01 |
N1- | 0.81±0.02 | 11.55±0.09 | 12.89±0.71 | 299.00±0.82 | 8.48±0.01 |
N2- | 0.80±0.01 | 11.33±0.40 | 12.70±0.95 | 299.33±1.25 | 8.48±0.01 |
N0+ | 0.82±0.05 | 9.82±0.51 | 12.50±0.41 | 412.33±2.05 | 8.64±0.01 |
N1+ | 0.78±0.02 | 12.40±2.61 | 12.44±0.70 | 422.33±2.05 | 8.56±0.01 |
N2+ | 0.81±0.01 | 10.00±0.45 | 11.77±0.23 | 394.33±1.70 | 8.50±0.01 |
Table 2
The content of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in saline soil inoculated with AMF and nitrogen treatments at different cultivation timemg/kg"
指标 index | 处理 treatments | 1 d | 3 d | 5 d | 7 d | 10 d | 20 d | 30 d |
硝态氮 | N0- | 51.78±0.08 e | 67.06±0.64 d | 72.83±3.86 c | 71.25±2.64 d | 72.70±1.57 c | 68.03±1.88 d | 68.32±0.78 d |
N1- | 66.31±1.92 d | 84.12±4.27 c | 93.45±4.88 b | 83.41±4.99 c | 92.54±1.42 b | 88.62±2.97 c | 87.37±1.04 c | |
N2- | 80.87±0.74 c | 94.52±0.25 b | 98.57±2.08 ab | 88.94±5.69 bc | 100.09±3.89 a | 94.57±0.63 b | 93.83±0.89 b | |
N0+ | 44.21±1.36 f | 58.04±0.52 e | 67.56±1.70 c | 59.10±2.49 e | 55.39±2.04 d | 62.36±2.81 e | 62.05±0.70 e | |
N1+ | 85.05±0.71 b | 94.85±2.19 b | 99.19±1.02 ab | 94.92±0.31 b | 98.73±0.85 a | 92.27±0.59 bc | 92.34±0.46 b | |
N2+ | 86.72±2.90 a | 103.60±1.28 a | 101.88±1.69 a | 106.87±1.88 a | 100.13±2.86 a | 103.85±1.16 a | 103.38±0.25 a | |
铵态氮 N | N0- | 4.37±0.85 a | 5.19±0.67 a | 5.84±0.80 a | 5.64±1.21 a | 3.56±1.03 a | 1.86±0.16 a | 0.12±0.04 c |
N1- | 2.69±0.20 bc | 3.12±0.58 c | 3.63±0.49 c | 3.19±0.17 b | 4.17±0.17 a | 1.74±0.62 a | 0.34±0.20 c | |
N2- | 3.55±0.25 ab | 4.30±0.20 ab | 4.51±0.75 bc | 5.28±0.63 a | 4.51±0.80 a | 1.58±0.16 ab | 0.34±0.08 c | |
N0+ | 2.85±0.17 bc | 4.84±0.19 ab | 4.89±0.13 b | 4.85±0.17 a | 4.72±0.17 a | 1.02±0.09 b | 0.87±0.04 b | |
N1+ | 1.33±0.17 d | 4.06±0.24 b | 5.09±0.34 b | 5.47±0.21 a | 4.61±0.08 a | 1.58±0.12 ab | 0.93±0.12 ab | |
N2+ | 2.61±0.35 c | 4.65±0.34 ab | 6.52±0.25 a | 5.23±0.52 a | 3.49±0.60 a | 1.30±0.19 ab | 1.18±0.15 a |
Table 3
Analysis of variance on various indicators of soil nitrogen mineralization"
指标 index | 施氮 N treatments | 接种 inoculation | 交互作用 interaction | |||
F | P | F | P | F | P | |
净硝化量 net nitrification | 3.154 | NS | 9.473 | 0.010 | 31.926 | <0.001 |
净氨化量 net ammoniation | 17.239 | <0.001 | 68.153 | <0.001 | 0.353 | NS |
净氮矿化量 net nitrogen mineralization | 0.755 | NS | 0.933 | NS | 26.995 | <0.001 |
净硝化速率 net nitrification rate | 3.134 | NS | 9.455 | 0.010 | 31.857 | <0.001 |
净氨化速率 net ammoniation rate | 17.437 | <0.001 | 68.583 | <0.001 | 0.357 | NS |
净氮矿化速率 net nitrogen mineralization rate | 0.760 | NS | 0.946 | NS | 26.982 | <0.001 |
Effects of AMF inoculation and nitrogen application on net nitrogen mineralization of saline soil Different capital letters on the column indicate significant differences in different incubation times for the same treatment (P<0.05), and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments for the same incubation time (P<0.05)."
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