JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 133-142.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202004045
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GUO Tianwei1(), LU Chunfeng2, WANG Junxiao1, LIU Ruicheng1, ZHOU Shenglu1,*()
ZHOU Shenglu;
CLC Number:
GUO Tianwei, LU Chunfeng, WANG Junxiao, LIU Ruicheng, ZHOU Shenglu. Construction and optimization of ecological security pattern based on the coupling of ecological-production-living spaces: taking Yangzhou City as an example[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(5): 133-142.
Table 1
Quantitative system of function level of ecological-production-living principal space"
主体空间 main space | 类别 category | 赋分 score |
生态主体空间 ecological space | 环保部门生态红线I级区∩生态主体空间 | 4 |
环保部门生态红线II级区∩生态主体空间 | 3 | |
(江淮生态大走廊规划∪生态廊道)∩ 生态主体空间 | 2 | |
生态主体空间独有部分 | 1 | |
生活主体空间 living space | 优化开发区 | 4 |
重点开发区 | 3 | |
限制开发区 | 2 | |
禁止开发区 | 1 | |
生产主体空间 production space | 评价结果标准化分级 | 4~1 |
Table 2
Coupling area and proportion of conflict patches under multiple scenarios"
耦合情景 coupling scene | 类型 category | 面积/ km2 area | 占冲突斑块 总面积比例/% proportion of total conflict plaque area |
生态保护优先 priority scenarios for ecological protection | 优先划入 | 24.37 | 37.67 |
应当划入 | 19.24 | 29.76 | |
建议划入 | 0.41 | 0.64 | |
合计 | 44.02 | 68.07 | |
优先发展 priority development scenario | 优先划入 | 5.03 | 7.77 |
应当划入 | 23.13 | 35.76 | |
建议划入 | 13.71 | 21.20 | |
合计 | 41.87 | 64.73 | |
融合发展 integrated development scenarios | 优先划入 | 24.36 | 37.66 |
应当划入 | 3.80 | 5.88 | |
建议划入 | 15.70 | 24.28 | |
合计 | 43.86 | 67.81 |
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