JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 201-208.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202006003
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WANG Lichao1, CHEN Fengmao1,*(), QIU Cailou2, TANG Jingen1, DING Xuenong3, REN Jixing3
CHEN Fengmao
CLC Number:
WANG Lichao, CHEN Fengmao, QIU Cailou, TANG Jingen, DING Xuenong, REN Jixing. Identification and risk analyses of Euwallacea interjectus[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(5): 201-208.
Table 1
Primers sequence of COI,28S rDNA and CAD"
引物名称 primer | 目的基因 target gene | 引物序列(5'→3') sequence |
Table 3
The index layer evaluation of integrated multi index evaluation system for E. interjectus"
准则层Pi criterion layer | 指标层Pii index layer | 分值 score | 评价赋分理由 evaluation reference |
国内分布P1 domestic distribution | 国内分布情况P11 domestic distribution | 1.8 | 5%≤有害生物分布面积占其寄主 (包括潜在的寄主) 面积的百分率< 20% |
传入,定殖和扩散可能性P2 possibility of introduced, colonization and spread | 有害生物被截获的可能性P21 possibility of pest being intercepted | 2.0 | 寄主植物、产品调运的可能性和 携带有害生物的可能性都大 |
运输过程中有害生物存活率P22 survival rate of pests during transportation | 2.5 | 存活率≥40% | |
有害生物的适生性P23 adaptability of pests | 2.5 | 繁殖能力强,抗逆性一般 | |
自然扩散能力P24 aatural diffusion capacity | 1.2 | 随介体携带扩散能力或自身扩散能力一般 | |
国内适生范围P25 domestic suitable range | 2.0 | ≥50%的地区能够适生 | |
潜在危害P3 potential hazards | 潜在经济危害性P31 potential economic harm | 2.5 | 如传入可造成的树木死亡率或产量损失≥20% |
非经济方面的潜在危害性P32 potential damages on social and ecological resource | 2.2 | 潜在环境、生态、社会影响中等 | |
官方重视程度P33 official attention | 0 | 未被列入我国植物检疫性和危险性有害生物名录 | |
受害寄主重要性P4 economic importance of the hosts | 受害寄主的种类P41 species of damaged host | 2.5 | 10种以上 |
受害寄主的分布面积或产量P42 distribution area of damaged-host plants | 2.0 | 分布面积广或产量大 | |
受害寄主的特殊经济价值P43 special economic value of injured host | 2.0 | 经济价值高,社会影响大 | |
危险性管理难度P5 obstacles in the risk management | 检疫识别的难度P51 quarantine difficulty | 2.0 | 现场识别可靠性一般,由经过专门培训的 技术人员才能识别 |
除害处理难度P52 prevention effect | 2.0 | 常规方法的除害效率< 50% | |
根除的难度P53 prevention cost | 2.2 | 介于效果差、成本高、难度大和效果好、 成本低、简便易行之间 |
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