JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 153-160.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202008007
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LI Tao(), LI Mingyang*(), QIAN Chunhua
LI Mingyang;
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LI Tao, LI Mingyang, QIAN Chunhua. Combining crown density to estimate forest net primary productivity by using remote sensing data[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(5): 153-160.
Table 1
Independent variables set for model of remote sensing estimation of NPP"
变量类型 variable types | 变量名(特征因子) variable name(characteristic facter) | 变量个数 number of variables |
单波段 single band | B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 | 6 |
植被指数 vegetation index | INDVI,IRVI,IDVI,IEVI,IGVI,IPVI | 6 |
叶面积指数 leaf area index | | 1 |
缨帽变换 Kauth-Thomas transformation | IBright,IGreen,IWet | 3 |
地形因子 terraian factor | ISlope | 1 |
纹理特征 textural feature | B2con, B2dis, B2mea, B2hom, B2asm, B2ent, B3con, B3dis, B3mea, B3hom, B3asm, B3ent, B4con, B4dis, B4mea, B4hom, B4asm, B4ent, B5con, B5dis, B5mea, B5hom, B5asm, B5ent, B6con, B6dis, B6mea, B6hom, B6asm, B6ent, B7con, B7dis, B7mea, B7hom, B7asm, B7ent, | 48 |
Table 3
Comparative analysis of model accuracy before and after adding forest canopy density"
模型 model | 不含冠层密度 without canopy density | 含冠层密度 with canopy density | ||||
R2 | σ (RMSE) | σ (MAE) | R2 | σ (RMSE) | σ (MAE) | |
随机森林 random forest | 0.622 | 6.883 | 5.657 | 0.799 | 5.472 | 3.960 |
人工神经网络 artificial neural network | 0.327 | 9.720 | 8.075 | 0.606 | 8.172 | 6.124 |
多元线性回归 multiple linear regression | 0.129 | 12.154 | 9.656 | 0.498 | 9.319 | 7.117 |
K-最近邻分类法 K-nearest neighbor | 0.142 | 13.057 | 9.427 | 0.424 | 10.700 | 6.985 |
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