JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 156-162.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202008043
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HOU Senlin1,2(), FEI Yiling1,2, LIU Dawei1,2,*(
), ZHANG Ning1
LIU Dawei;
CLC Number:
HOU Senlin, FEI Yiling, LIU Dawei, ZHANG Ning. Observations of the feather on microstructures of little egrets and great egrets[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(1): 156-162.
Table 1
Comparison of structure of remige barbules between little egret and great egret"
物种名 species | 有钩羽小枝 distal barbules | 无钩羽小枝 proximal barbules | ||||
基柄长/μm length of handle of base | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 羽小钩数/枚 number of hooked barbules | 纤毛数/枚 number of cilia | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 基柄长/μm length of handle of base | |
白鹭 Egretta garzetta | 195.39±8.16 (180~208) | 2.16±0.37 (2~3) | 3.65±0.61 (3~5) | 10.07±1.37 (8~13) | 3.61±0.72 (3~5) | 400.61±9.82 (385~419) |
大白鹭 E. alba | 222.32±6.83 (209~231) | 2.10±0.30 (2~3) | 5.10±1.04 (4~7) | 11.58±1.36 (10~14) | 3.48±0.72 (2~5) | 488.55±12.99 (463~519) |
F | 190.50** | 0.56 | 42.86** | 16.52** | 0.51 | 892.58** |
Table 2
Comparison of structure of breast feather barbules between little egret and great egret"
物种名 species | 有钩羽小枝 distal barbules | 无钩羽小枝 proximal barbules | |||
基柄长/μm length of handle of base | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 羽小钩+纤毛数/枚 number of hooked barbules and cilia | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 基柄长/μm length of handle of base | |
白鹭E. garzetta | 310.32±5.10 (302~318) | 1.23±0.43 (1~2) | 3.74±0.45 (3~5) | 3.00±0 | 387.23±10.02 (369~404) |
大白鹭E. alba | 264.55±2.98 (259~270) | 1.94±0.36 (1~3) | 6.45±0.96 (5~8) | 3.42±0.99 (2~5) | 370.32±10.60 (345~391) |
F | 1 783.51** | 56.14** | 190.84** | 4.34* | 39.01** |
Table 3
Comparison of structure of rectrices barbules between little egret and great egret"
种名 species | 有钩羽小枝 distal barbules | 无钩羽小枝 proximal barbules | ||||
基柄长/μm length of handle of base | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 羽小钩数/枚 number of hooked barbules | 纤毛数/枚 number of cilia | 腹齿数/枚 number of ventral tooth | 基柄长/μm length of handle of base | |
白鹭 E. garzetta | 240.13±6.75 (225~255) | 1.00±0 | 5.19±0.60 (4~6) | 12.23±1.09 (11~14) | 2.52±0.51 (2~3) | 458.36±10.81 (440~477) |
大白鹭 E. alba | 249.26±8.12 (230~266) | 1.26±0.45 (1~2) | 4.36±0.55 (3~5) | 17.23±1.02 (16~19) | 3.68±0.48 (3~4) | 380.03±7.93 (366~398) |
F | 23.03** | 10.55** | 30.57** | 324.35** | 86.02** | 1 026.41** |
Table 4
Comparison of structure of feather similar to demoiselle barbules(side with more cilia)between little egret and great egret"
种名 species | 纤毛数/枚 number of cilia | 基柄长/μm length of handle of base |
白鹭E. garzetta | 3.17±0.65 (2~4) | 240.73±24.16 (204~296) |
大白鹭E. alba | 5.27±0.94 (4~6) | 304.87±12.66 (278~325) |
F | 100.88** | 165.84** |
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