JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 49-57.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202010004
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ZHAO Yinghui1,2(), GUO Xinlong1, ZHEN Zhen1,2,*(
ZHEN Zhen;
CLC Number:
ZHAO Yinghui, GUO Xinlong, ZHEN Zhen. Estimation of aboveground biomass of natural secondary forests based on optical-ALS variable combination and non-parametric models[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(4): 49-57.
Table 1
Statistical information of sample plots of Maoershan"
林分类型 forest types | 样地数 plots number | 胸径/cm DBH | ||
最大值 max. | 最小值 min. | 平均值 mean | ||
白桦林 Betula phatyphylla forest | 4 | 14.6 | 13.1 | 13.8 |
阔叶混交林 broad-leaved mixed forest | 134 | 19.8 | 9.2 | 15.1 |
胡桃楸林 Juglans mandshurica forest | 1 | 12.4 | 12.4 | 12.4 |
落叶松林 Larix gmelinii forest | 8 | 19.7 | 14.2 | 15.5 |
山杨林 Populus davidiana forest | 1 | 17.0 | 17.0 | 17.0 |
柞树林 Quercus mongolica forest | 4 | 22.4 | 14.0 | 18.0 |
樟子松林 Pinus sylvestris forest | 1 | 14.1 | 14.1 | 14.1 |
针阔混交林 mixed broadleaf-conifer forest | 7 | 15.0 | 9.4 | 11.6 |
针叶混交林 coniferous mixed forest | 1 | 16.0 | 16.0 | 16.0 |
Table 2
The fitting accuracy between ALS feature variables and AGB"
特征变量 feature variable | R2 | σ(RMSE)/ (t·hm-2) | σ(rRMSE)/ % | 特征变量 feature variable | R2 | σ(RMSE)/ (t·hm-2) | σ(rRMSE)/ % |
h10 | 0.39 | 40.95 | 30.48 | hmax | 0.20 | 47.13 | 35.07 |
h20 | 0.42 | 39.97 | 29.75 | hmin | 0.15 | 48.86 | 36.36 |
h30 | 0.44 | 39.52 | 29.41 | hskew | 0.28 | 44.76 | 33.31 |
h40 | 0.44 | 39.47 | 29.37 | hkurt | 0.19 | 47.32 | 35.22 |
h50 | 0.43 | 39.84 | 29.65 | hstd | 0.21 | 46.78 | 34.81 |
h60 | 0.41 | 40.47 | 30.12 | hmean | 0.45 | 39.16 | 29.14 |
h70 | 0.39 | 41.11 | 30.59 | hcv | 0.20 | 47.07 | 35.03 |
h80 | 0.35 | 42.24 | 31.44 | hvar | 0.21 | 46.86 | 34.87 |
h90 | 0.30 | 43.90 | 32.67 | hmode | 0.27 | 44.96 | 33.46 |
h99 | 0.22 | 46.27 | 34.43 | C | 0.19 | 47.07 | 35.03 |
Table 3
Accuracy results of each model"
模型 model | 变量组合 variables combination | R2 | σ(RMSE)/ (t·hm-2) | σ(rRMSE)/ % |
SMLR | AO+AL | 0.22 | 39.67 | 29.52 |
| 0.39 | 30.43 | 22.65 | |
| 0.35 | 32.58 | 24.25 | |
| 0.47 | 27.39 | 20.38 | |
| 0.44 | 28.96 | 21.55 | |
| 0.52 | 26.37 | 19.62 | |
K-NN | AO+AL | 0.37 | 37.28 | 27.74 |
| 0.56 | 23.49 | 17.48 | |
| 0.52 | 24.91 | 18.54 | |
| 0.61 | 25.73 | 19.15 | |
| 0.58 | 27.64 | 20.57 | |
| 0.66 | 26.19 | 19.49 | |
SVR | AO+AL | 0.41 | 34.70 | 25.82 |
| 0.60 | 20.34 | 15.14 | |
| 0.56 | 23.49 | 17.48 | |
| 0.67 | 21.67 | 16.13 | |
| 0.65 | 22.52 | 16.76 | |
| 0.72 | 20.98 | 15.61 | |
RF | AO+AL | 0.45 | 33.61 | 25.01 |
| 0.64 | 19.38 | 14.42 | |
| 0.62 | 21.29 | 15.84 | |
| 0.75 | 17.35 | 12.91 | |
| 0.72 | 18.64 | 13.87 | |
| 0.79 | 16.07 | 11.96 | |
SSAE | AO+AL | 0.50 | 31.75 | 23.63 |
| 0.78 | 12.71 | 9.46 | |
| 0.76 | 15.36 | 11.43 | |
| 0.81 | 13.68 | 10.18 | |
| 0.79 | 15.07 | 11.22 | |
| 0.83 | 11.06 | 8.23 |
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