JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 122-130.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202010026
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MA Shilin1(), CAO Pengxiang2, ZHANG Jinchi1,*(
), LIU Jing1, WANG Jinping1, ZHU Lingjun1, YUAN Zhongming1
ZHANG Jinchi;
CLC Number:
MA Shilin, CAO Pengxiang, ZHANG Jinchi, LIU Jing, WANG Jinping, ZHU Lingjun, YUAN Zhongming. Effects of AMF on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Zelkova serrata under salt stress[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(1): 122-130.
Table 1
Theoretical formula and parameter setting of light response model"
模型名称 model name | 初始值 initial value | 限制范围 restricted range | 理论公式 theoretical formula |
直角双曲线模型[ rectangle hyperbolic model | α=0.05,Pmax=15,Rd=2 | α≤1,Pmax≤20 | Pn(I)= |
非直角双曲线模型[ non-rectangle hyperbolic model | α=0.05,Pmax=15, θ=0.5,Rd=2 | α≤1,Pmax≤20,0≤θ≤1 | Pn(I)= |
指数模型[ exponential model | α=0.05,Pmax=15,Rd=2 | α≤1,Pmax≤20 | Pn(I)=Pmax(1- |
动力学模型[ kinetic model | Pmax=15,Ic=40,Km=400 | Pmax≤20 | Pn(I)= |
叶子飘模型[ Ye Zi-Piao model | α=0.01,β=0.000 1, γ=0.001,Rd=0.3 | α≤1,β≤1,γ≤1,Rd≤1.5 | Pn(I)=α |
Table 2
Effects of AMF on the growth of Z. serrata and mycorrhiza colonization rate"
处理 treatments | 苗高净增 长量/cm net height growth | 地径净增 长量/mm net basal diameter growth | 菌根侵染率/% mycorrhiza colonization rate |
CK-N | 24.19±8.49 b | 2.98±1.73 ab | — |
CK-GM1 | 29.20±7.09 ab | 3.17±0.72 a | 94.44±6.36 a |
CK-GM2 | 35.53±5.37 a | 2.89±0.52 a | 86.11±2.41 ab |
CK-GO | 30.29±4.41 ab | 3.15±0.65 ab | 77.78±8.67 b |
Salt-N | 9.49±3.27 c | 1.83±0.40 c | — |
Salt-GM1 | 8.74±4.66 c | 2.73±0.44 ab | 77.78±2.41 b |
Salt-GM2 | 9.64±5.38 c | 2.77±0.64 ab | 78.89±2.93 b |
Salt-GO | 8.92±4.53 c | 2.08±0.27b c | 62.50±0.00 c |
Salt | <0.001*** | 0.002** | 0.088 |
AM | 0.059 | 0.290 | <0.001*** |
Salt×AM | 0.072 | 0.263 | 0.088 |
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