JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 93-101.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202012048
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WEI Qingyu(), HUANG Hailong, WU Chunze, SU Jiaxi, WEI Xing*(
WEI Xing;
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WEI Qingyu, HUANG Hailong, WU Chunze, SU Jiaxi, WEI Xing. Response of Populus cathayana cutting seedlings of three ploidy types to fertilizer under film mulching and drip irrigation[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(5): 93-101.
Table 1
N supply level at different time with Populus cathayana seedlings under different fertilization regimesg/株"
滴肥日期(月-日) fertilization date (month-day) | 常规施肥 CF | 指数施肥 EF |
05-24 | 1.14 | 0.05 |
06-08 | 1.14 | 0.09 |
06-24 | 1.14 | 0.24 |
07-10 | 1.14 | 0.48 |
07-25 | 1.14 | 1.01 |
08-09 | 1.14 | 2.02 |
08-22 | 1.14 | 4.12 |
总计 sum | 7.98 | 8.01 |
Effects of different fertilization regimes on height growth trend with Populus cathayana seedlings of three ploidy types The different lowercase letters represent the significant difference of indexes in same ploidy type Populus cathayana seedlings among different fertilization regimes(P<0.05). The same below."
Effects of different fertilization regimes on leaf area and root morphology index with Populus cathayana seedlings of three ploidy types The different lowercase letters represent the significant difference of indexes among different ploidy types Populus cathayana seedlings (P<0.05) under same fertilization regime. The same below."
Table 2
Effects of different fertilization regimes on root biomass, stem biomass and leaf biomass with Populus cathayana seedlings among three ploidy typesg"
处理 treatment | 倍性类型 ploidy types | 生物量biomass | |||||||
根root | 茎stem | 叶leaf | 总计total | ||||||
EF | 2倍体the diploid | 14.41±0.69 a | 54.69±9.74 a | 40.11±3.96 b | 119.46±13.65 a | ||||
3倍体the triploid | 14.81±0.29 a | 61.62±7.68 a | 46.86±4.55 ab | 134.79±11.85 a | |||||
4倍体the tetraploid | 15.64±0.40 a | 72.68±11.60 a | 56.41±5.45 a | 164.49±17.71 a | |||||
CF | 2倍体the diploid | 19.35±0.22 b | 106.29±5.85 a | 58.20±7.00 a | 188.32±5.89 a | ||||
3倍体the triploid | 20.01±0.05 b | 98.43±4.00 a | 66.48±2.56 a | 190.71±6.10 a | |||||
4倍体the tetraploid | 25.73±0.52 a | 112.54±16.41 a | 65.18±11.09 a | 209.35±21.45 a | |||||
CK | 2倍体the diploid | 8.90±0.12 b | 30.85±3.48 b | 29.15±2.24 a | 72.31±3.18 b | ||||
3倍体the triploid | 9.42±0.21 b | 31.25±4.51 b | 31.86±3.75 a | 67.61±4.94 b | |||||
4倍体the tetraploid | 13.86±0.47 a | 46.92±6.45 a | 32.57±6.28 a | 95.26±4.54 a |
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