JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 59-67.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202101032
Special Issue: 中国特有孑遗树种银杏雌雄株发育生理机制
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DI Jingjing(), YE Wei, WU Qinxia, FENG Kai, CAO Dong, LI Qiang, CHEN Ying(
CHEN Ying;
CLC Number:
DI Jingjing, YE Wei, WU Qinxia, FENG Kai, CAO Dong, LI Qiang, CHEN Ying. Comparisons of physiological metabolism of female and male Ginkgo biloba trees during the late flower bud differentiation and flowering[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(4): 59-67.
Table 1
Sampling time and positions of female and male Ginkgo biloba during flowering"
开花时期 flowering period | 性别 gender | 采样时间 sampling date | 采样部位 sampling site |
花芽分化后期 late flower bud differentiation | 雄株 | 11月25日—次年3月2日(花粉母细胞分化期) 3月3日—3月16日左右(花粉粒形成期) | 雌、雄株3~4年生短枝上(果枝)的饱满顶芽 |
雌株 | 11月25日—次年3月16日(珠被分化期或果芽生理分化后期) | ||
开花期 flowering period | 雄株 | 3月17—4月7日 | 葇荑花序及周围小叶 |
雌株 | 3月17—4月7日 | 胚珠及周围的小叶 | |
花后期 late flowering | 雄株 | 4月8日—4月28日 | 短枝顶芽原雄花序边的嫩叶 |
雌株 | 4月8日—4月28日 | 胚珠周围的小叶 |
The changes of the contents of ZT(A) and GA (B) during the late floral bud differentiation stage and flowering period in the female and male Ginkgo biloba Different uppercase letter indicate that there are significant differences in male plants at different stages (P<0.05). Different lowercase letter indicate that there are significant differences in female plants at different stages (P<0.05). The same below."
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