JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 121-126.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202103030
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XU Fang(), YANG Xiaohui, PAN Wen(
), LIAO Huanqin, YANG Huixiao, ZHANG Weihua, ZHU Baozhu, CHEN Xinyu, XU Bin, WANG Yuxia
PAN Wen;
CLC Number:
XU Fang, YANG Xiaohui, PAN Wen, LIAO Huanqin, YANG Huixiao, ZHANG Weihua, ZHU Baozhu, CHEN Xinyu, XU Bin, WANG Yuxia. Distributions of knots in trunks and pruning effects on growth in Castanopsis hystrix[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(5): 121-126.
Table 1
The statistics of pruning incision damage into xylem"
节疤 直径/cm knot diameter | 木材损伤深度/cm wood rotten depth | |||
油性漆 保护 oil-borne paint | 水性漆保护 water- borne paint | 罐装喷 漆保护 aerosol paint | 无保护剂 un-protected | |
<1.0 | 0.05±0.02 e | 0.05±0.03 e | 0.22±0.10 de | 0.65±0.21 bcd |
≥1.0~2.5 | 0.05±0.03 e | 0.07±0.04 e | 0.19±0.11 e | 0.68±0.18 bcd |
≥2.5~3.5 | 0.05±0.04 e | 0.17±0.09 de | 0.64±0.22 bc | 1.02±0.22 b |
≥3.5 | 0.20±0.11 de | 0.41±0.21 cde | 0.99±0.20 b | 1.64±0.22 a |
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