JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 67-75.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202104011

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Stoichiometric characteristics of soil and leaves in Sapindus mukorossi plantation at an early fruiting stage

LIU Juntao1(), ZHONG Jing1, LIU Jiming1, LUO Shuijing2, WANG Mianzhi1, FAN Jialin1, JIA Liming1,*()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Silviculture and Conservation of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
    2. Fujian Yuanhua Forestry Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Jianning 354500, China
  • Received:2021-04-08 Accepted:2021-06-03 Online:2021-07-30 Published:2021-07-30
  • Contact: JIA Liming;


【Objective】 This study aimed to elucidate differences in C, N and P in a soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi) plantation at the first fruit stage of clones and their nutrient element interactions. 【Method】 A clonal plantation in Jianning County, Fujian Province, was used to establish three plots of 20 m×10 m. Soil parameters (organic C, total N, total P, total K, effective P, available P, and alkali N) and leaf parameters (C, N, P and K) were measured, and the C, N and P element ratios were calculated. Nutrient contents and chemical characteristics of soil and leaves at different forest ages at the initial fruit stage were analyzed. 【Result】 The content of organic C, total N, total P and available P increased with forest age, while no change in total P in soil was observed, and the content was low (0.36 g/kg). Soil C/N ratios decreased gradually with the increase of forest age, while C/P and N/P ratios increased to a certain extent. With the increase of forest age, the contents of C and P in leaves increased gradually, while the contents of N decreased gradually, while the contents of K had no significant change. The C/N ratio of leaves increased to a certain extent, while the C/P and N/P ratios decreased gradually. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between soil organic carbon (SOC) and total N in Sapindus mukorossi plantation. There was a negative correlation between C and N, but a positive correlation between C and P, K. At the same time, there was a significant positive correlation between leaf C content and SOC content in 0-20 cm and ≥ 40-60 cm soil layers, and a very significant positive correlation in ≥20-40 cm soil layers. There was a significant positive correlation between leaf P content and SOC content in 0-20 cm, and a significant positive correlation between leaf P content and SOC content in ≥20-40 and ≥ 40-60 cm soil layers; N/P was significantly negatively correlated with SOC content in 0-20 cm and ≥40-60 cm soil layers, and significantly negatively correlated with SOC content in ≥ 20-40 cm soil layers. 【Conclusion】 Plantation soils at the early fruiting stage were mainly limited regarding P, thus P fertilization should be increased accordingly for future planting processes.

Key words: soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi) clone, primary fruit period, soil nutrient, leaf nutrient, ecological stoichiometry, Yuanhua clone

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