JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 95-100.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202201021
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MA Zhoude1(), ZHANG Huanchao1,*(
), CAO Fuliang1, QIAO Yufan1, LI Shouke2, ZHAO Xiangshu2
CLC Number:
MA Zhoude, ZHANG Huanchao, CAO Fuliang, QIAO Yufan, LI Shouke, ZHAO Xiangshu. Effects of foliar spraying of medium and trace element fertilizers on Xanthoceras sorbifolium[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2023, 47(2): 95-100.
Table 1
The yield and quality index of Xanthoceras sorbifolium"
施肥处理 fertilzers treatment | 果径/mm fruit diameter | 单株结果数/个 fruit yield per plant | 单果籽粒数/个 number of seeds per fruit | 百叶干质量/g 100 leaves dry matter mass | 千粒质量/g 1 000 seeds mass | 种子出仁率/% seed kernel yield |
CK | 51.70±1.78 c | 5.13±2.97 ab | 12.00±1.93 c | 5.45±0.02 b | 1 506.04±5.79 d | 41.74 f |
B | 55.42±1.64 b | 4.50±2.53 ab | 13.53±2.42 ab | 4.71±0.02 e | 1 289.53±16.09 f | 44.03 d |
Fe | 56.50±2.90 b | 5.07±3.34 ab | 13.07±2.05 bc | 5.06±0.02 d | 1 569.78±3.54 b | 44.33 c |
Zn | 68.81±7.78 a | 6.13±3.31 a | 14.67±1.63 a | 5.28±0.02 c | 1 936.84±7.53 a | 48.49 a |
Mo | 53.01±4.05 bc | 5.20±2.62 ab | 12.60±1.72 bc | 5.84±0.01 a | 1 368.89±5.12 e | 41.97 e |
Si | 56.42±2.62 b | 3.53±2.26 b | 12.67±2.06 bc | 3.80±0.02 f | 1 532.42±4.50 c | 44.82 b |
Table 2
Principal component load matrixes, eigenvalue and variance contribution rates of growth,yield and quality indexes of X. sorbifolium"
指标 index | 各主成分载荷值 load value of each principal component | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
X5果径 fruit diameter | 0.979 | -0.117 | 0.004 |
X10种子出仁率 seed kernel yield | 0.971 | -0.033 | -0.154 |
X6单果籽粒数 number of seeds per fruit | 0.888 | -0.136 | 0.029 |
X7千粒质量 1 000 seeds weight | 0.855 | -0.162 | 0.038 |
X2树高增长量 tree height growth | 0.591 | 0.448 | 0.081 |
X1地径增长量 ground diameter growth | -0.022 | 0.756 | 0.067 |
X3冠幅增长量 crown width growth | 0.347 | 0.612 | 0.380 |
X4单株结果数 fruit yield per plant | 0.141 | -0.530 | 0.487 |
X8百叶干质量 100 leaves dry matter weight | -0.145 | -0.390 | 0.676 |
X9叶绿素值增长量 chlorophyll value growth | -0.104 | 0.354 | 0.588 |
特征值eigenvalue | 3.942 | 1.766 | 1.223 |
贡献率/%contribution rate | 39.422 | 17.661 | 12.226 |
累计贡献率/%cumulative contribution rate | 39.422 | 57.083 | 69.309 |
Table 3
Principal component scores of each fertilization treatment"
施肥处理 fertilzers treatment | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y | 排名 ranking |
CK | -1.851 | -0.494 | 0.264 | -1.133 | 6 |
B | -0.577 | 0.089 | -0.403 | -0.377 | 4 |
Fe | -0.024 | -0.317 | -0.102 | -0.112 | 3 |
Zn | 3.952 | -0.591 | 0.391 | 2.167 | 1 |
Mo | -1.657 | -0.002 | 1.123 | -0.745 | 5 |
Si | 0.116 | 1.296 | -1.306 | 0.167 | 2 |
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