JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 196-204.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202202029
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SA Rula(), WANG Zirui, HUA Yongchun(
), HU Richa, LIU Lei, GAO Minglong, YU Xiaoyu
HUA Yongchun;
CLC Number:
SA Rula, WANG Zirui, HUA Yongchun, HU Richa, LIU Lei, GAO Minglong, YU Xiaoyu. Evaluating forest ecosystem restoration ability of natural forest in northern Greater Khingan Mountains by a structural equation model[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(1): 196-204.
Table 1
Basic information of the sample plot"
优势树种 dominant tree species | 平均胸径/m average DBH | 平均树高/m average tree height | 坡度/(°) slope | 海拔/m altitude | 样地数量 number of plots |
落叶松Larix gmelinii | 5.34~28.01 | 6.37~28.42 | 3~21 | 342.2~890.7 | 56 |
白桦Betula platyphylla | 5.29~27.76 | 6.70~22.18 | 3~16 | 430.0~1 060.0 | 31 |
山杨Populus davidiana | 8.26~20.85 | 10.35~20.90 | 6~20 | 473.9~773.4 | 4 |
樟子松Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica | 11.50~12.25 | 7.50~16.99 | 9~10 | 590.0~822.7 | 2 |
蒙古栎Quercus mongolica | 11.64~11.70 | 11.55~14.33 | 9~15 | 867.9~1 003.0 | 2 |
黑桦Betula dahurica | 17.88 | 12.77 | 20 | 437.1 | 1 |
Table 2
Scoring standard for the evaluation index of forest ecosystem resilience"
准则层 criterion layer | 指标层 index layer | 等级分值grade score | ||||
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | ||
森林生产力 forest productive | 平均树高/m average height | ≥27.61 | [17.98,27.61) | [14.03,17.98) | [10.24,14.03) | <10.24 |
平均胸径/cm mean DBH | ≥31.93 | [21.60,31.93) | [16.14,21.60) | [11.53,16.14) | <11.53 | |
单位面积蓄积量/(m3·hm-2) volume per unit area | ≥316.90 | [197.97,316.90) | [123.26,197.97) | [49.91,123.26) | <49.91 | |
平均冠幅/m average crown width | ≥6.53 | [4.50,6.53) | [3.56,4.50) | [2.57,3.56) | <2.57 | |
株数密度/(株·hm-2) plant number density | <450.00 | [450.00,988.85) | [988.85,2 016.67) | [2 016.67,3 616.67) | ≥3 616.67 | |
林分结构 stand structure | 大小比数 size ratio | <0.356 5 | [0.356 5,0.467 0) | [0.467 0,0.513 9) | [0.513 9,0.566 5) | ≥0.566 5 |
混交度 degree of mixing | ≥0.52 | [0.32,0.52) | [0.17,0.32) | [0.04,0.17) | <0.04 | |
角尺度 angular scale | <0.43 | [0.43,0.50) | [0.50,0.55) | [0.55,0.61) | ≥0.61 | |
气候因子 climate factor | 年均气温/℃ average annual temperature | <-2.003 | [-2.003, -1.340) | [-1.340,0.024) | [0.024,0.371) | ≥0.371 |
年均降水量/mm average annual precipitation | ≥1 001.128 | [992.740,1 001.128) | [816.475,992.740) | [673.422,816.475) | <673.422 | |
蒸散量/(W·m-2) evapotranspiration | <30.370 | [30.370,492.001) | [492.001,520.216) | [520.216,580.338) | ≥580.338 | |
短波辐射净强度/(J·m-2) net shortwave radiation intensity | ≥137.492 | [136.716,137.492) | [121.296,136.716) | [67.130,121.296) | <67.130 | |
立地类型 site type | 海拔/m altitude | <334.44 | [334.44,508.90) | [508.90,705.35) | [705.35,891.22) | ≥891.22 |
坡度/(°) slope | <2.868 | [2.868,6.563) | [6.563,11.995) | [11.995,21.267) | ≥21.267 | |
有机碳质量分数/(g·kg-1) organic carbon content | ≥2.265 | [1.775,2.265) | [1.130,1.775) | [0.570,1.130) | <0.570 | |
土壤容重/(g·cm-3) soil bulk density | <1.25 | [1.25,1.37) | [1.37,1.40) | [1.40,1.70) | ≥1.70 | |
土壤饱和度/(cm3·cm-3) soil saturation | <84.0 | [84.0,87.0) | [87.0,92.0) | [92.0,99.5) | ≥99.5 |
Table 4
Calculation results of the index weight of forest ecosystem resilience"
目标层 target layer | 准则层 criterion layer | 权重 weights | 指标层 index layer | 权重 weights |
森林生态系统 恢复能力评价 assessment of forest ecosystem restoration ability | 森林生产力 forest productive | 0.339 | 平均树高 | 0.189 |
平均胸径 | 0.220 | |||
单位面积蓄积量 | 0.207 | |||
平均冠幅 | 0.194 | |||
株数密度 | 0.190 | |||
林分结构 stand structure | 0.192 | 大小比数 | 0.313 | |
混交度 | 0.350 | |||
角尺度 | 0.336 | |||
气候因子 climate factors | 0.256 | 年均气温 | 0.302 | |
年均降水 | 0.229 | |||
蒸散量 | 0.250 | |||
短波辐射净强度 | 0.220 | |||
立地类型 site type | 0.213 | 海拔 | 0.218 | |
坡度 | 0.229 | |||
有机碳含量 | 0.209 | |||
土壤容重 | 0.192 | |||
土壤饱和度 | 0.152 |
Table 5
Comprehensive score value of forest ecosystem restoration ability evaluation"
等级 grade | 纯林 pure forest | 混交林 mixed forest | ||
平均 综合分值 average comprehensive score | 数量 number | 平均 综合分值 average comprehensive score | 数量 number | |
差difference | 1.77 | 10 | 1.70 | 14 |
较差poor | 2.08 | 13 | 2.09 | 23 |
良好good | 2.83 | 3 | 2.91 | 17 |
较好better | 2.55 | 7 | 2.57 | 7 |
优excellent | 3.31 | 1 | 3.53 | 1 |
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