JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 101-106.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202203014
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MU Hongna1,2(), WANG Wei2, FAN Lei2, WU Chu2, GUO Xiaohua2, SUN Taoze1,2,*(
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MU Hongna, WANG Wei, FAN Lei, WU Chu, GUO Xiaohua, SUN Taoze. Effects of Piriformospora indica on growth and drought resistance in Osmanthus fragrans under water deficit stress[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2023, 47(2): 101-106.
Table 1
The effects of colonization by Piriformospora indica on the variation of plant height,stem diameter and dry mass in Osmanthus fragrans"
干旱胁迫 drought stress | 株高/cm plant height | 地径/mm ground diameter | 干质量/g dry mass | |||
未定殖 no | 定殖 yes | 未定殖 no | 定殖 yes | 未定殖 no | 定殖 yes | |
干旱drought | 22.30±0.23 b | 25.20±0.33 a | 3.60±0.05 a | 3.99±0.07 b | 8.39±0.05 a | 11.09±0.06 b |
轻度干旱slight drought | 24.71±0.17 a | 25.91±0.28 a | 4.01±0.09 a | 4.17±0.16 a | 11.20±0.12 a | 11.70±0.17 a |
正常供水normal irrigation | 26.89±0.05 a | 26.70±0.01 a | 4.60±0.16 a | 4.74±0.03 a | 13.07±0.26 a | 12.90±0.20 a |
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