JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 192-202.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202207036

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Real-time extraction of fire line and optimization of spread simulation fire line based on infrared sequence images

ZHANG Xiaodi(), LI Mingze(), WANG Bin, WU Zechuan, MO Zhukun, FAN Zhongzhou   

  1. School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
  • Received:2022-07-22 Revised:2022-10-08 Online:2023-11-30 Published:2023-11-23


【Objective】 In recent years, forest fire disturbances have seriously affected forest structure and environment. The accurate simulation of forest fire spread is an effective way to reduce forest fire damage. The Rothermel-Huygens principle was developed and optimized to predict and simulate the spread of forest fires, explore the law of forest fire spread, and provide theoretical support and effective plans for forest fire prevention. 【Method】 An ignition experiment was conducted on fine combustibles in the forests of typical flammable tree species in Heilongjiang Province. The fire line was extracted using the threshold segmentation and Canny edge detection algorithms, and the forest fire spread rate was calculated. Eight factors affecting forest fire spread were collected, and Pearson’s correlation analysis and partial correlation coefficients were used to conduct a correlation analysis on forest fire spread factors. On this basis, the Rothermel-Huygens principal model was constructed to simulate the forest fire spreading process, and a comparison and analysis were performed using the actual real-time fire line contours. 【Result】 Correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlations of wind speed, slope, and fire site temperature with fire spread rate. Moisture content, thickness, and load of the combustibles were significantly negatively correlated with fire spread rate. The overall accuracy (PT) of the indoor ignition experiment of the constructed Rothermel-Huygens model reached 79.25%, sensitivity (S) was 78.42%, F-measure value was 79.11%, and Kappa coefficient was 0.804. The PT of the outdoor ignition experiment of the constructed Rothermel-Huygens model reached 85.15%, S was 82.31%, F-measure value was 82.85%, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.832. The findings indicated that the Rothermel-Huygens principle model could accurately predict the fire spreading process and the performance of the model was stable. 【Conclusion】 Wind speed, moisture content of combustibles, and slope are the dominant factors affecting the forest fire spread rate in Heilongjiang. The constructed Rothermel-Huygens principal model was suitable for simulating the spread of forest fires. With good simulation results for indoor and outdoor ignitions, the model can accurately predict and capture the position of the fire line.

Key words: ignition experiment, Rothermel-Huygens model, image segmentation, forest fire spread speed, Heilongjiang Province

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