JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 155-164.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208046
Special Issue: 自然保护地体系下景观设计理论与实践研究
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ZHANG Xiaorui1,2(), HE Yu1, DONG Jieyun1
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ZHANG Xiaorui, HE Yu, DONG Jieyun. Landscape pattern study based on evaluating the development potential of villages[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(3): 155-164.
Table 1
Evaluation index system of village development potential in Lingbi County"
目标层 target layer | 准则层 criterion layer | 指标层 index level |
村庄发展潜力 village development potential | 村庄自然环境B1 | 高程C1 |
坡度C2 | ||
自然灾害C3 | ||
村庄资源禀赋B2 | 耕地面积C4 | |
水域面积C5 | ||
村庄居民点现状B3 | 人口规模C6 | |
村庄建设用地面积C7 | ||
建设用地斑块密度C8 | ||
村庄区位交通B4 | 通公路自然村数量C9 | |
与中心城区距离C10 | ||
村庄道路网密度C11 | ||
村庄经济发展B5 | 经济作物种植面积C12 | |
村庄可支配收入C13 | ||
村庄社会保障B6 | 医疗保障C14 | |
养老保障C15 | ||
最低生活保障C16 | ||
村庄设施条件B7 | 公共服务设施C17 | |
道路交通设施C18 | ||
宽带网络设施C19 |
Table 2
Statistical analysis of comprehensive potential index by township"
乡镇 village/town | 最小值 min | 最大值 max | 平均值 mean | 标准差 SD | 乡镇 villages/town | 最小值 min | 最大值 max | 平均值 mean | 标准差 SD |
朝阳镇Chaoyang Town | 0.167 3 | 0.398 4 | 0.236 6 | 0.059 0 | 向阳镇Xiangyang Town | 0.143 6 | 0.343 3 | 0.249 5 | 0.064 8 |
大庙镇Damiao Town | 0.150 2 | 0.413 3 | 0.222 4 | 0.061 4 | 杨疃镇Yangtong Town | 0.128 2 | 0.396 0 | 0.279 1 | 0.075 1 |
冯庙镇Fengmiao Town | 0.087 7 | 0.372 0 | 0.248 0 | 0.062 1 | 游集镇Youji Town | 0.118 1 | 0.260 0 | 0.191 0 | 0.046 6 |
高楼镇Gaolou Town | 0.136 3 | 0.341 7 | 0.208 7 | 0.072 0 | 渔沟镇Yugou Town | 0.110 2 | 0.435 2 | 0.231 9 | 0.081 7 |
黄湾镇Huangwan Town | 0.148 4 | 0.332 4 | 0.233 7 | 0.062 0 | 虞姬镇Yuji Town | 0.213 5 | 0.407 1 | 0.322 2 | 0.049 0 |
浍沟镇Huigou Town | 0.110 1 | 0.267 0 | 0.181 4 | 0.047 3 | 朱集乡Zhuji Township | 0.116 4 | 0.346 7 | 0.199 4 | 0.068 8 |
灵城镇Lingcheng Town | 0.319 3 | 0.618 1 | 0.478 8 | 0.108 1 | 大路乡Dalu Township | 0.068 7 | 0.254 8 | 0.167 5 | 0.055 5 |
娄庄镇Louzhuang Town | 0.154 1 | 0.162 6 | 0.252 8 | 0.067 1 | 尹集镇Yinji Town | 0.134 8 | 0.359 5 | 0.243 8 | 0.053 2 |
韦集镇Weiji Town | 0.163 5 | 0.362 0 | 0.255 4 | 0.053 3 | 禅堂镇Chantang Town | 0.109 1 | 0.390 5 | 0.214 8 | 0.085 6 |
下楼镇Xialou Town | 0.104 9 | 0.306 2 | 0.195 0 | 0.064 1 | 全部乡镇平均mean | 0.236 7 | 0.085 7 |
Table 3
Statistical analysis on the distribution of villages and towns by classification"
村庄类型 village type | 数量/个 number | 乡镇分布统计 township distribution statistics |
集聚提升类 cluster lifting | 170 | 禅堂镇11个、朝阳镇12个、大路乡8个、大庙镇11个、冯庙镇10个、高楼镇14个、黄湾镇10个、浍沟镇10个、娄庄镇14个、韦集镇6个、下楼镇11个、向阳镇4个、杨疃镇9个、尹集镇7个、游集镇11个、渔沟镇11个、虞姬镇3个、朱集乡8个 |
城郊融合类 suburban fusion | 85 | 禅堂镇3个、朝阳镇2个、大路乡3个、大庙镇3个、冯庙镇7个、高楼镇3个、黄湾镇4个、浍沟镇2个、灵城镇8个、娄庄镇12个、韦集镇6个、下楼镇1个、向阳镇8个、杨疃镇7个、尹集镇6个、游集镇2个、渔沟镇1个、虞姬镇5个、朱集乡4个 |
特色保护类characteristic conservation | 24 | 朝阳镇2个、高楼镇1个、灵城镇1个、娄庄镇3个、韦集镇2个、下楼镇1个、游集镇1个、渔沟镇6个、虞姬镇3个、尹集镇3个、禅堂镇1个 |
搬迁撤并类relocation and withdrawal | 13 | 大路乡2个、冯庙镇1个、浍沟镇3个、下楼镇4个、尹集镇1个、游集镇1个、朱集乡1个 |
Table 4
Statistical table of the village classification landscape index"
类型 type | CA/hm2 | LPI/% | LSI | PLADJ/% | COHESION/% | SHDI | SHEI |
集聚提升类cluster lifting | 108 547.74 | 7.991 6 | 99.178 7 | 82.816 2 | 98.669 1 | 0.822 5 | 0.374 3 |
城郊融合类suburban fusion | 72 398.25 | 21.901 0 | 82.080 5 | 82.597 6 | 98.861 9 | 0.830 1 | 0.377 8 |
特色保护类characteristic conservation | 16 738.56 | 10.296 6 | 41.775 2 | 82.548 2 | 96.989 8 | 0.848 0 | 0.407 8 |
搬迁撤并类relocation and withdrawal | 5 013.09 | 8.522 3 | 25.957 7 | 80.275 0 | 95.205 5 | 0.965 1 | 0.464 1 |
灵璧县Lingbi County | 202 705.65 | 17.938 2 | 128.448 9 | 83.145 3 | 99.285 6 | 0.832 1 | 0.378 7 |
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