JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 167-176.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202209008
Special Issue: 南京林业大学120周年校庆特刊
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ZOU Xiaoming1,2,*(), WANG Guobing1,3, GE Zhiwei1,3, XIE Youchao4, RUAN Honghua1,*(
), WU Xiaoqiao4, YANG Yan4
ZOU Xiaoming,RUAN Honghua;
CLC Number:
ZOU Xiaoming, WANG Guobing, GE Zhiwei, XIE Youchao, RUAN Honghua, WU Xiaoqiao, YANG Yan. Mechanisms and methods for augmenting carbon sink in forestry[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(6): 167-176.
Table 1
Total consumption and per capita consumption of sawn wood and wood-based boards in different regions of the world in 2020"
地区 region | 人口/万人 | 锯材消费量/ 万m3 | 人均锯材消费量/ (m3·万人-1) | 人造板消费量/ 万m3 | 人均人造板消费量/ (m3·万人-1) |
亚洲 | 464 100 | 17 600 | 379 | 25 000 | 539 |
非洲 | 134 000 | 1 700 | 127 | 500 | 37 |
南美洲 | 47 400 | 2 400 | 506 | 1 400 | 295 |
欧洲 | 74 800 | 10 900 | 1 457 | 7 800 | 1 043 |
北中美州 | 54 800 | 12 400 | 2 263 | 5 600 | 1 022 |
大洋洲 | 4 300 | 800 | 1 860 | 400 | 930 |
全球 | 779 400 | 45 800 | 588 | 40 700 | 525 |
Table 2
Changes in carbon stocks over the life cycle of woods in China in 2020"
阶段 | 采伐后种类 | 碳储量/Tg | 比例/% | 备注 | ||||||||||
stage | post-cut type | carbon storage | ratio | note | ||||||||||
采伐环节 | 原木 | 工业用原木 | 47.24 | 34.87 | 碳储量 | |||||||||
109.89 Tg; | ||||||||||||||
直接用原木 | 38.02 | 28.07 | 碳排放 | |||||||||||
薪材 | -2.79 | 2.06 | 28.37 Tg; | |||||||||||
采伐剩余物 | 做木材产品原材料 | 21.84 | 16.12 | 净碳储量 | ||||||||||
原地分解 | -25.58 | 18.88 | 81.52 Tg | |||||||||||
阶段 stage | 木质林产品原材料碳储量storage of raw material | 木质林产品碳储量storage of forest products | 备注 | |||||||||||
种类 type | 碳储量/Tg | 比例/% | 种类 | 碳储量/Tg | 比例/% | note | ||||||||
carbon storage | ratio | type | carbon storage | ratio | ||||||||||
加工及使用环节 | 除薪材外原木回收纸 | 85.26 | 77.58 | 锯材 | 19.24 | 14.24 | 原材料利 | |||||||
2.8 | 2.55 | 胶合板 | 18.28 | 13.53 | 用率89.5%; | |||||||||
部分采伐剩余物 | 21.84 | 19.87 | 其他人造板 | 8.06 | 5.97 | 碳储量 | ||||||||
刨花板 | 0.88 | 0.65 | 126.71 Tg; | |||||||||||
纤维板 | 18.53 | 13.71 | 碳排放 | |||||||||||
纸和纸板 | 58.57 | 43.35 | 8.41 Tg; | |||||||||||
加工剩余物 | 焚烧 | -3.47 | 2.57 | 净碳储量 | ||||||||||
填埋 | 碳排放 | -4.94 | 3.66 | 118.30 Tg | ||||||||||
碳封存 | 3.15 | 2.33 | ||||||||||||
阶段 | 种类 | 碳储量/Tg | 比例/% | 备注 | ||||||||||
stage | type | carbon storage | ratio | note | ||||||||||
废弃环节(废弃木质林产品) | 焚烧 | -28.28 | 22.89 | 碳储量 | ||||||||||
55.02 Tg; | ||||||||||||||
填埋 | 碳排放 | -40.26 | 32.58 | 碳排放 | ||||||||||
68.54 Tg; | ||||||||||||||
碳封存 | 25.74 | 20.83 | 净碳储量 | |||||||||||
-13.52 Tg | ||||||||||||||
回收纸 | 29.28 | 23.7 |
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