JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 197-203.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202212010
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XUE Mingyu1(), HAO Dejun1,*(
), ZHAO Xudong1, GENG Yishu1, HU Tianyi1, XIE Chunxia2
HAO Dejun;
CLC Number:
XUE Mingyu, HAO Dejun, ZHAO Xudong, GENG Yishu, HU Tianyi, XIE Chunxia. Effects of extreme climate on the distribution and potential habitat of Hyphantria cunea in China[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(5): 197-203.
Table 1
Extreme climate index"
变量 variable | 定义 definition | 变量 variable | 定义 defination | 变量 variable | 定义 definition |
TX10p | 冷昼日数占比/% | Rx5day | 最大5日降水量/mm | SDII | 日降水强度/mm |
TN10p | 冷夜日数占比/% | TXx | 年最大日最高气温/℃ | TR | 热夜日数 |
CSDI | 冷日持续指数/d | TXn | 年最小日最高气温/℃ | R95p | 强降水量/mm |
CDD | 连续干燥日数 | TNx | 年最大日最低气温/℃ | TX90p | 暖昼日数占比/% |
CWD | 连续湿润日数 | TNn | 年最小日最低气温/℃ | TN90p | 暖夜日数占比/% |
DTR | 气温日较差/℃ | R1mm | 湿润日数 | WSDI | 暖日持续指数 |
R99p | 极端强降水量/mm | SU | 夏季日数 | ID | 冰冻日数 |
FD | 霜冻日数 | PRCPTOT | 总降水量/mm | Rx1day | 日最大降水量/mm |
GSL | 生长期日数 | R20mm | 极端大雨日数 | R10mm | 大雨日数 |
Table 2
The percent of contribution and permutation importance of selected environmental variables to the potential distribution of Hyphantria cunea defined by MaxEnt"
环境变量 variable | 定义 definition | 贡献率/% contribution | 置换重要性/% importance |
日最大降水量(Rx1day)/mm maximum daily precipitation | 单日最大降水量 maximum daily precipitation of a month | 39.6 | 16.1 |
冷夜日数占比(TN10p)/% percentage of cold nights | 日最低气温<10%分位值的日数所占百分比 percentage of days when minimum air temperature < 10th percentile | 23.5 | 22.2 |
暖日持续指数(WSDI)/d warm spell duration index | 1年内至少6日最高气温> 90%分位值的连续日数 days with at least 6 consecutive days when maximum air temperature >90 th percentile | 16.2 | 25.2 |
暖昼日数占比(TX90p)/% percentage of warm days | 日最高气温>90%分位值的日数所占百分比 percentage of days when daily maximum air temperature > 90th percentile | 9.5 | 5.7 |
暖夜日数占比(TN90p)/% percentage of warm nights | 日最低气温>90%分位值的日数所占百分比 percentage of days when daily minimum air temperature >90th percentile | 5.5 | 5.7 |
最湿季度平均气温(bio_8)/℃ mean air temperature of wettest quarter | 降水最多季度的平均气温 mean air temperature of season with the highest mean precipitation | 5.2 | 22.3 |
最热月份最高气温(bio_5)/℃ maximum temperature of warmest month | 月均温最高月份的最高气温 maximum air temperature of month with highest mean air temperature | 0.5 | 2.9 |
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