JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 1-10.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202303047
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WANG Qiuhua1(), WANG Jin1, LI Xiaona2,*(
), MA Cheng1, HONG Ruicheng1, CAO Hengmao1, GAO Zhongliang1
LI Xiaona;
CLC Number:
WANG Qiuhua, WANG Jin, LI Xiaona, MA Cheng, HONG Ruicheng, CAO Hengmao, GAO Zhongliang. Advances in research of wildland-urban interface fires[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(5): 1-10.
Table 1
Part of the typical cases for wildland-urban interface fires"
国家 nation | 火灾名称 name of fire | 过火面积/万hm2 fire area | 烧毁房屋数量 number of houses burned | 死亡人数 death toll | 经济损失/亿美元 economic losses |
美国 USA | 2003年加州雪松火灾 2003 Cedar fire,California | 11 | 3 000 | 20 | 20 |
2016年田纳西州野火 2016 Sevier County fire Tennessee | — | 2 400 | 14 | — | |
2018年加州天堂镇火灾 2018 Paradise fire,California | 6.2 | 19 000 | 85 | — | |
澳大利亚 Australia | 2009年“黑色星期六” 2009 “Black Saturday” | 41 | 1 820 | 210 | — |
2019跨年度丛林大火 2019 Annual Forest fires | 700 | 3 000 | 33 | 10 | |
加拿大 Canada | 2016年麦克默里堡森林火灾 2016 forest fire,Fort McMurray | 50 | 2 400 | 2 | 90 |
希腊 Greece | 2007年雅典森林火灾 2007 forest fire, Athens | 27 | — | 64 | 15 |
葡萄牙 Portugal | 2016年里斯本森林火灾 2016 forest fire, Lisbon | 550 | 1 000 | 117 | 3 |
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